9 Must Have Features In Mobile Application Development

When you glance around, you’ll notice that everyone is absorbed in their smartphones. A professional is studying an e-paper using his smartphone, a woman is reviewing her youtube films, a restaurateur is looking over food orders, and a tourist is attempting to find the next destination. Are they genuinely absorbed in their iPhones, these people? Don’t believe it; it’s the applications that keep kids glued to their devices. A well-made app will “smarten” up your phone. In fact, there are several significant trends in mobile application development that will have a greater influence in the future as a result of the growth of IoT, AR/ VR, VR technology, and AI technologies. These cutting-edge technologies have been combined to provide users with an engaging experience.

This blog post will go through all the top smartphone app functionalities that will set the app and mobile app developer apart in its particular niche.

Mobile Application Development – Essential Features

A mobile application can only amass a following by enticing users and convincing them to use it regularly with their precious time. Here are the essential mobile application development features that, regardless of the sector, will give your app a competitive edge.

Allow Signup

Every program has signups as a necessary component, which are usually required at the beginning. Users are required to provide their personal information, including their email, contact information, physical address, and others, which can be overwhelming. Modern mobile application developers give users some breathing room by letting them navigate the app for a while without pressuring them to sign up right away. This helps to lower the first barrier that holds individuals back from using the site’s features and surfing. Second, social signups and phone number signups speed up the registration procedure, which would otherwise upset consumers.


Users dislike switching between screens to monitor their purchasing, loyalty points, and other information in the digital world. The users are satisfied since a single dashboard makes it easy for them to quickly find the most recent orders, the cost of those products, the loyalty points gained, and the offers and coupons in their bucket.

Location Control

By targeting consumers according to their location, you may increase conversion possibilities and user engagement. Businesses may give customers bespoke alerts that are tailored to their location choices thanks to location management. For instance, it has been discovered that delivering coupon codes during the US Christmas season increases visitation and conversion rates. The consumers will receive pertinent messages from the online store when they enable their geolocation services, taking it a step further and mixing it with brick-and-mortar stores. Users may check the precise location of the orders and locate the warehouses or offices thanks to map integration.

Search Function

Users may easily navigate through the products or services they want using a tiered app navigation system. It takes a bit longer, though. Users thus choose to utilize the in-app search tool directly. With people’s need for convenience growing, there is a demand for sophisticated in-app searching that makes searching simple. The advanced search function makes the information extremely accessible by providing auto-suggestions as users begin to type, auto-correction, presenting cached terms already used for searching, and other features.

Integration with Payment Gateway

In order to prevent customers from leaving their carts empty just because they can’t find their chosen payment method, mobile application development must support several payment methods. The majority of mobile payment methods, including cash, credit/debit cards, Android Pay, Apple Pay, and 3rd payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, and others, are available through commercial mobile applications. Security is essential because consumers would rather donate their financial information than constantly enter it. Sensitive financial information is protected by two-factor authentication, which entails sending an OTP to mobile devices followed by verification.

Enable Evaluations and Comments

The importance of reviews and comments is revealed by Glispa’s research. This study found that 93% of participants said they were at least somewhat likely to provide reviews if the company specifically requested it. An even more intriguing finding was that 97% of survey participants said they were quite likely to remain, satisfied consumers if they realized that their feedback had been taken into account.

Contains Analytics

Obtaining pertinent information on customer expectations and experiences is crucial for any business. It won’t be enough to simply publish your program on the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store; you must continuously monitor app performance to identify places for improvement, which is doable using analytics. You may provide your users with a better-tailored experience by using analytics. Without analytics, it is quite challenging to evaluate the ROI and monitor the development of your software. Using analytics, you can create better deals and upgrade the app more effectively.

Integration Into Social Media

4.48 bn social media accounts confirm that the sage Greek philosopher was correct, so it appears. Users adore sharing their favorite items on social media, whether it’s a deal, a piece of content, or a high-quality item. A social networking sharing feature integration will unquestionably have a long-lasting effect. You may also request individuals log in using their Google or Facebook accounts, giving you crucial access to their connections. Additionally, it will enable you to communicate directly with members of social networking sites.

Push Notification

Whenever the phone is locked, push notifications are crucial for keeping the user interested. For a better understanding of how precisely it makes things simpler, let’s look at some statistics;

  • Push notifications to increase app retention rates by three to ten times.
  • One push message given to a new customer within the first week they download the app increases retention by 71% over the course of two months.
  • The outcomes of the push notifications with CTA buttons were 40–60% better.

Top 10 Mobile App Development Ideas and Latest Trends for the Automobile Industry

If you are looking for innovative mobile app development ideas and the latest trends in the Automobile industry, you have arrived at the right place. With the growth in innovation and technology, almost all of us have access to the internet. People who live even in remote places and villages have mobile phones and are up to date with what’s happening around the world.

If you are a business, it is one of the main tasks for you to be updated with all the trends and provide users with Apps that have a lot of great features in order for your business to grow. The same applies to the Automobile industry as well.

These days, automobile mobile app development has become one of the most crucial yet important parts of any business. The connection between the Automobile industry and technology is real, and if you are a Mobile Application Developer, you need to keep in mind to bridge the gap and make automation easily accessible.

Are Mobile Apps necessary for the Automobile Industry?

This might be one of the top questions that pop into most people’s minds, but the truth is every business needs to have an online presence in order for a business to sustain itself. Be it social media, be it newsletters, Mobiles Apps, Websites, etc. Mobile App, or any online presence, for that matter, bridges the gap between the customers and the brand, and it also helps the brand to automate certain things which need to be done manually. So the answer is Yes, the Automobile industry, or any industry for that matter, needs Mobile Apps and internet presence for its growth.

Top 10 Automobile Mobile App Development Ideas and Trends

Here are the top 10 mobile app development ideas for you to help your business grow.

Autonomous Technology

Autonomous or Self-driving cars are one of the latest trends and are wholeheartedly welcomed by people all over the world. Autonomous or Self-driven cars are much safer, and it helps in reducing accidents caused by drivers. So developing the mobile app with Autonomous technology is a great idea.

Customized Vehicles

If you are an Automobile Enthusiastic, Customising your vehicle could be one of the first things that you would look for. People these days love adding a personalized touch to their vehicle, and if you develop an app that enables the user to customize their vehicle according to their preference with the help of your team.

Car Parking Solutions

If you drive a car, you will know how it feels to find the best spot for parking your car. Most popular/ crowded places do not have sufficient car parking areas. So it has become a difficult task for people to park their cars without any trouble. So developing an app that provides all the info about the nearest parking spots with the location, directions, cost of parking, and stuff like that is a great trend these days.

Vehicle Auction App

Yep, you heard; sorry, read it right. Vehicle Auction app is one of the top trends in the Automobile industry. People like buying and selling vehicles online, and an app for auctioning the vehicle is welcomed by people a lot.

It lets people compare the pricing from various websites and lets them choose what’s the best for them. Auction cars are much cheaper in price when compared to the cars from the dealers, which makes it a great deal too.

Car Renting App

Almost all of us use taxis like Ola, Uber, etc.., on a day-to-day basis for easy and cheaper travel. But when it comes to car renting, there aren’t too many options that are available in the market as of now. So a car renting app where you rent your car to the customers, and they can Self drive the car and return it on the promised date. Car renting gives the customers freedom and much-needed privacy, and you as a company can make a good amount of money through it, which is a win-win.

EV Charging Stations

People are slowly choosing Electric Vehicles as fuel expenses are only rising. So, the demand for EV charging stations is equally rising. Since EV cars have just started to boom, there aren’t many charging stations, and finding a charging station is difficult without any assistance. An app with the exact location and directions to the nearby Charging station is another great trend that is loved by people who use EV cars.

Automobile Parts App

Automobile parts in themselves are a profitable business, as maintaining a vehicle is essential. So people tend to shop for damaged automobile parts often. When it comes to Mobile apps, an app where you sell all the essential Automobile parts under a single roof makes it easier for the customers as they don’t have to step out and search for the products. So, developing an app that gives you all the info and deals with all the essential automobile parts is a great option.

Car Servicing App

Just like how we discussed maintaining the car, Servicing the vehicle comes under the same umbrella and an app that lets the customers choose the services they require and a doorstep pick and drop is another popular trend that is welcomed by people. People are busy, and going to a mechanic shop to get the service done requires a lot of time and effort. The app, with all features like finding the nearest servicing shop with the exact location and directions to the shop, could be a great alternative and a profitable business at the same time.

Call Drivers

Yes, just like how renting a car is a great idea, hiring a driver to drive the customer’s own car is yet another common thing that the customers require. An app where you can find the nearest drivers with their star ratings and reviews, along with how much it costs to hire them for a day, is another popular trend these days. People like hiring a driver if they like to go somewhere, especially out of the station. It gives them flexibility and makes it easier for them, especially if they travel to a new city.

Travel Assistant App

When it comes to traveling, people like taking road trips. So an app where they can find all the things like restaurants nearby, gas stations nearby, mechanics nearby, medical shops, and much more is another popular trend. While traveling, especially to new cities, people aren’t well versed with the local places, things to do in that particular city, etc.., so adding what places they can visit, along with restaurants and bars that are popular, could be more beneficial and people will love it for sure.


People love technology and anything that comes with it. With the growth of technology, everything around us is changing for the better, and it is a good thing for the automobile industry to take advantage of it and create apps that are beneficial for people and generate good revenue for the company as well. Here we have mentioned the top 10 Automobile app trends that you can follow to grow your business and bridge the gap between the customer and the company.

The Top Mobile UX Trends and UI Designs in Mobile Applications to Watch out for in 2022

Are you looking for the top UX/UI Design trends in the mobile application for the year 2022? You have arrived at the right destination.

With the growth in technology, the trends keep changing, not just in UI/UX designs but in everything else as well. So, to be in a successful business, it is very important for you to keep track of all the trends to know what is currently going on and what people love. When it comes to mobile applications, user experience is what matters. Updating the apps frequently with all the needed tools for the users to make their experience smooth, easy, and useful is essential, which is why you need to know the trends that people love. Here we have a list of all the top mobile UX trends and UI designs that are super popular these days.

Top Mobile UX Trends and UI Design for 2022


Just like every other thing in the world, the look and the feel of mobile application development services are very important for a business in order for the users to like them. People these days prefer dark and grunge themes that are soft and more appealing to the users.

Most mobile phones these days come with a dark mode, and even social media has started bringing different modes to provide the user with all the modes they want.

Micro Animations

Micro Animations are nothing but cute, small animations that are placed in the Mobile App to make it easier for the user to know what that particular tool or feature is all about.

People want everything so quickly, and it is important for Mobile app development services to inculcate graphics and animation to make it easier for the users to take action.

For example, if there is a feature that connects you with customer support, a small logo of a call button with a person would make the user understand instantly.

Chat Bots

Chatbots are something that is very popular with websites, and it is booming in mobile app development services as well. As we discussed earlier, people want quick solutions to their problems, and no one really likes to wait for our replies or callbacks. Here is where the chatbots come into play. As soon as you enter the chat, the bot replies to the user instantly without making them wait, which makes it convenient for both the user and the service provider.

Most users who use the chat bar have a similar set of queries and concerns that the bot can take care of. All that you got to do is make a list of the set of questions and the answers for them, and you are done.


Color gradients in mobile apps are so in trend these days, and we can’t UX/UI Design Trends in mobile applications to deny it. We all love apps that have cute themes which you can customize and change according to your liking.

Apps with cool and quirky color gradient themes add more depth and volume to the rather empty and boring-looking screens. Brands these days have unique gradient themes for their business too.


The animation is still trending, and we don’t think it will ever be out of trend. One of the main reasons for animations to be on the top trends is because they add so much fun and so much interaction between the user and the brand, which makes a better user experience.

Social Media Elements

Now that we are all obsessed with social media, it has led to another popular trend in the mobile App development service to add the elements of social media like the connect on social media elements and edits like a tweet. Etc..,

Being relatable is what brings the right exposure that is needed to a brand, and Social media elements are one of the top trends.

Face ID

Face ID or Touch ID is something that has become very popular over the last few years, and people find it easier and quicker to access the apps instead of manually entering the passcode or instead of having an app that does not have any security locks as such.

People love privacy and convenience so much that an app lock with touch ID or Face ID is always a good idea for Mobile application development services.


3D animation was always there in the mobile application and website development field for a very long time, and the impact they make is impeccable.

People love to have a 3D view of the product or the service that they are thinking of availing, and what better way to show them? 3D animations make the user feel as if they are seeing the product in person, which might make them purchase it. 3D animations with a full 360 degree are something that has been trending over the past few years.

Content Design

Yes, as everyone says, content is what makes a big difference in whatever we create. Proving a service or a product that is more of the content can never go wrong.

We all love creating stuff, and if there is an app that helps us create things online, we are more likely to enjoy the experience and share it with people around us.

For example, Instagram has a reel feature where people can actually make reels and share them with other people, which is content. Including something that makes people create and share with others is a great way for you to scale and grow your business.


The era of Retro is here again, and we all love it. Don’t we? Just like every other business, the old, retro trends are back again, and people seem to really enjoy having the nostalgic feeling. Retro design elements such as letters, typographies, old school logos, symbols, etc.., can make a huge difference.

If you are a business that has been around for decades, it is a great idea for you to include a few retro elements back into your app.

Voice Control Features

People love stuff that makes our life convenient. Voice control is something that is both convenient and effective. Instead of reading a full address or the full data, the voice control feature can simply read it out for the user, which is why it is one of the top trends in mobile app design.


Now that we know the top trends in mobile application design, you can pick and choose what works well for your business and its needs. Not every trend suits the requirements of all the apps. So make sure you analyze and see the trends that would work for you and not just jump into the trend just because others are doing it.

The 8 Best JavaScript Frameworks For Mobile App Development

Popular JavaScript Frameworks For Mobile App Development

React Native

React Native is one famous JavaScript framework that is used for mobile app development. It is known for its fast, user-friendly nature, which makes it easier for the programmer. It is also more on the affordable end, which makes it even better.

React Native comes with a lot of useful, ready-to-use features, which makes the job of the programmer a lot easier. When compared to most JavaScript frameworks, React Native lets you run the codes in two different languages with just a click of a single button. Whereas with most scripts, the developer has to go back and forth with both programs in order to run it.

Mobile Angular UI

The mobile Angular UI is another most popular JavaScript framework of all time for mobile app development, and it is an open-source framework which means a lot of web and mobile app developers from all over the globe support it.

It provides you with clean and clear codes, which increases the efficiency of the program and consumes way less time. With Mobile Angular UI, you can easily create hybrid mobile apps. It also comes with a lot of great features like the Navbar, modals, overlays, switches, and a lot more for effective programming.


Titanium is one of the oldest frameworks that are available. It is user-friendly, and it also helps provide you with very simple yet effective access to almost all of the native functions that are available.

It is a robust structured JavaScript framework that is used to create high-performance apps for mobiles that are compatible with iOS, Android, etc. It is also one of the most affordable open-source networks, which is efficient and quick.

Phone Gap

If you are a mobile app developer and you are looking to work with frameworks just with the knowledge of web development languages, the Apache (PhoneGap) JavaScript framework is the right option for you.

If you are a business and are looking to expand and spread its app for platforms more than one without re-implementing with the language of each platform, the Apache framework or the Phone Gap is the best one for you.


If you are looking to create an application for various platforms, the Native Script is the best option for you. It is also compatible with iOS and Android, which makes it even better.

The Native Script always makes sure to use LiveSync and Web packs together at any given point for efficient performance. It also has an interface that doesn’t need Webviews. It is an open-source framework that majorly uses JavaScript, but it also allows you to use TypeScript if and when needed. It is best suited for companies that are marching towards faster and higher growth as it is loaded with features that power performance.


The Ionic is yet another open-source network that enables the user to create top-quality mobile apps and web apps easily. The Ionic JavaScript framework concentrates mainly on the front-end work of the app and focuses fully on how the app looks.

If you are on the search for a JavaScript framework that you can merge with other frameworks like Apache, then Ionic is the best choice for you. It also works well without a separate frontend framework which is great.

The Ionic Framework can be used with both iOS and Android, and you can create web apps and mobile apps that are efficient and easy to create.

J-Query Mobile

The J query Mobile is one of the fastest frameworks that are available in the market as it is one of the lightest frameworks ever. The J Query Mobile framework lets you create apps for Mobile that are more visually appealing, and it also comes with a library of all the codes that help you customize the look of the app according to your likes and dislikes.

It also has a Robust structure with page transitions with Ajax-based navigation. The J Query is yet another budget-friendly JavaScript framework that performs much more efficiently in a short period of time.


Meteor is one of the famous modern javascript frameworks that is preferred in recent times. The Meteor Framework is an open-source framework that is very user-friendly, and it has simple codes that are easy to learn and implement, which makes it one of the most popular javascript frameworks in recent times.

With Meteor, you can easily develop cross-platform codes for all ios, Android, and websites. The Meteor Framework comes with a lot of real-time features which help you build features on the app, like live chat, conversations, complaints, etc..,


Now that you have got some idea of all the best javascript frameworks that are used for developing mobile applications, you can go ahead and choose the one that you feel is right. If there is one thing that we ask you to keep in mind, it is to carefully go through all your requirements and your needs before jumping on to the framework for your app.

Study the requirements carefully and then go ahead and choose the framework that suits your requirements and your budget.

8 Pros and Cons of Mobile App Development

The growing demand for mobile apps and their attractive features has spiked the need for mobile app development services for more than 10 years. Mobile apps are the most-sought software application feature any customer would immediately ask for in any start-up software product or service.

The estimated smartphone users will be up to 7.5 billion by 2026 which speaks to how lucrative custom mobile app development is. It is evidently a profitable industry where mobile app development services revenue is forecast to be 366.34 billion at a growth rate of 11.5% from 2020 to 2027.

With more than 7 billion devices in the world (including the public and other connections used by the same person), a mobile app can perfectly showcase your brand. If it is software or a product, your customers may sure ask the following questions,

“Does it have a mobile app?”
“Is it paid?”
“Is it easier to use?”

With easier word-of-mouth marketing, it shows off your branding, and your services, and brings new users simply with a few taps away. You need to rely on custom mobile appl development to expertly handle ups and downs. For all industries, whether it is B2B or B2C, iOS and Android apps will have a sheer amount of users.

This is the very reason why so many game-changers see potential in it and why there is a lot of time and money investment going with it. Let’s list out the top 5 pros and cons of mobile app development,

With pros, there is no real limit on how much you can earn from them. On the flip side, mobile app developers also have a huge demand with so much earning potential across the world. From brand promotion and monetization, there are a lot of ways you can connect with your user base.

Pros of Mobile App Development

Easy to Access – A mobile app is easier for a customer to access and interact with than the website even if they have bookmarked it. Your app on your customer’s phones can immediately answer their needs and queries faster.

Discreet Data Retrieval – A mobile app can gather a lot of data including personal data, engagement data, behavioral data, and attitudinal data. This will help them identify and optimize the target audience for a high conversion rate.

Communication – It is much easier for your business to interact with your customers or prospects through push notifications, purchases, chat, or contact sections. It is also useful for the users to troubleshoot, raise issues, reorder, track, and so much more, resulting in providing excellent customer service. In the view of marketing, and user analysis, indirect user data retrieved is utilized for several promotional /seasonal offers, discounts, and coupons.

Productivity – It benefits the users for their productivity and streamlines the point of communication with a great sync. It seamlessly connects across devices and business operations.

Extensive Customization – Mobile applications can be easily customized to their UI/UX, performance, design, functionality, new specific features, APIs, interface needs, etc. It is even more convenient when the mobile app is built with a single code base allowing roll-out features and updates across different platforms.

Future-Proof Technology – Mobile apps are without a doubt going to continue to evolve and keep adding layers of benefits to the users. It solely satisfies the upcoming trends and understands the target audience’s requirements better.

Higher Scalability – In the event of business growth, mobile apps can be effective in scaling up and handling the maximum number of resources/processes. Mobile apps can be easier with advanced functionalities, as they can add more value to your customers.

Very Competitive Edge – A mobile app makes your business significantly competitive. With ever-changing consumer behavior patterns, the demand for instant “everything” can be fulfilled by mobile apps. Going beyond the competitive edge, a mobile app strategy will improve your business workflow and also gives an overall improved revenue generation to your business.

Cons of Mobile App Development

Investment/Cost – The cost of creating a mobile application is so high even for enterprises that might risk revenue generation in hopes of bringing a huge ROI. When a business hopes to invest in a mobile app for quicker sales, it may or may not bring the desired results. However, consulting with professional mobile app development services can help.

Doesn’t help with SEO – This is the biggest drawback of mobile apps as the contents and the efforts applied in creating a mobile app don’t benefit any of the search engine’s visibility. It can be leveraged only by full-fledged digital marketing efforts. It can be only gathered by application links, store listings, social media, blogs, and so on.

App Store Approvals Take a Long Time – Almost 50% of the apps may get reviewed and approved within 24 hours while 90% of the apps are reviewed within 48 hours. If it gets delayed, it may take anywhere between 1-4 weeks. Patience is the key here.

2x Marketing Pressure – Supporting both website and mobile app is a serious conversation most businesses go through. Even if the business’s primary function is a mobile app, they need to promote websites too. Any gain from either means only half conversion.

Testing and Deployment – Unlike iOS, Android runs on different devices and platforms making testing time-consuming, difficult, and expensive. With a sudden surging number of different end devices, compatibility with screen sizes, application types, and platform makes testing and deployment even tougher.

Download and Sign-up Required for Paid Services – Almost all business-driven mobile apps require the user to install the app on their device, this makes a lot of users hesitant due to storage or access allowance. Even if they download it, a typical sign-up is required for basic customer data collection. Most applications never get downloaded which leads to no reviews, visibility, or revenue gains.

App Store Listings Can Be Very Challenging – Add-on to the mobile app development, terms and conditions, fee structure, and publishing has a lot of terms and conditions resulting in app rejections. Last-minute or final changes after deployment may not be so perfect. Also, there are a lot of restrictions clamping down on the quality and overall application build. This could also mean additional costs for developing, marketing and publishing your application.

Fragmentation – With a multitude of resolutions, screen sizes, app design, and development, UI and UX can be very challenging. This should be considered in order to deliver a responsive app because, for every new launch or additional or innovative feature, the development and deployment team will be faced with various challenges in creating a smooth application.

Even with all these cons, it is very clear that the “market need” for easy and contactless business interactions is inevitable. Mobile apps have proven to reach more customers, increase your revenue, have offers/discounts applied easily, and are very good for investing.

If you’ve decided to hire mobile application developers, the next step is to approach Zaigo Infotech! Who are we?

Zaigo Infotech is a reputable custom mobile app development company with years of experience in developing the best products and app experiences. Once your app idea is ready, you can hire an in-house team or outsource your work with us. It is not just about spending your business budget but you need a mobile app with utmost clarity and requirement. This is the part where our mobile application developers will come into play.

Once your mobile app is out, make sure you stay in mobile app trends and do regular maintenance. You can easily grow out your cons if done right.

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