Top 5 Reasons Why You Need MVP Before Starting custom software application development

If you are thinking of MVP before getting started with your custom software application development and are looking for more information on the same, you are at the right place. MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is a simpler version of a digital product made for the target audience and can be developed and enhanced with other features according to the requirements.

To make it simple, MVP for software development is nothing but launching a product with a limited but essential core feature of the Product in the market for the target audience to use. After some time, with the wants and needs of the audience, it can be modified and enhanced for a better user experience, just like how Instagram only had options to post photos and videos and later introduced reels which almost all of us love. Launching a product with just the core features to gain users and create awareness that a product like this exists.

If you have an idea of launching a custom software application development, instead of going out and launching all the features, you can start with the MVP and then go ahead and enhance it with all the features you think it requires.

Top 5 Reasons Why You Need An MVP For Software Development


If you are to launch a custom software application development just like that without MVP, you tend to bombard the audience with lots and lots of features and tend to miss out on the core feature that you would like to provide. Furthermore, if you create a product with many features in one go, it would be difficult for you to define your brand and what exactly you offer.

So it is better to start with the core feature, the primary service you offer, and then add and enhance features to make the service more user-friendly.

For example, when you take Whatsapp started as a messaging application with limited but effective core features that people needed. And once when it got recognition, people started using it, and they went ahead and added a story feature, Stickers, GIFs, status, and so on.

Testing The Idea

Testing your idea is one of the main reasons for you to use MVP as you might have an idea to start a custom software application development, and you might think that your idea is great and people would love it.

But there are quite a lot of things that go behind creating an application, and you can’t blindly trust your instinct and go ahead about it. So when it comes to business, as much as it is important to trust your instincts and ideas, it is best to test the waters and see if people like it. End of the day, we create a product for the people, and they are the ones to decide.

So testing the idea and improvising it with the feedback from users is a great thing for your business, and this is where MVP helps you.

Attract The Investors

Finding an Investor is one of the most crucial tasks of any business. Launching MVP helps you attract your potential investors with the features that you offer. Once you have a strong core product/feature that your target audience loves, finding an investor is just a piece of cake.

Cost Cutting

Building an application from scratch requires a hell lot of manpower, time, and most importantly, money. Instated spending a ton of money on developing every little feature of the app during the launch itself will only increase the amount of money you spend.


Yes, it takes a lot of time and resources to create everything from scratch with all the features at once. But if you launch an MVP and upgrade it based on the feedback, you can develop a robust software product that stands the test of time.

You are going to create a product that can be modified and enhanced. So why waste your time doing all of it at once? It is better to launch with just the core service offers and keep the remaining features for later. Once you get the feedback from the early adopters, you can go ahead and add all the features that you want.

Now that you have decided to go ahead with MVP before launching your custom software, you need to find a perfect software development partner that does it for you.

Before choosing a team, make sure you keep a few things in mind:

Top 4 Things To Consider Before Choosing Your Software Development Partner


You need to discuss your goals and convey what you have in mind to your software development team. Defining and sticking to your goals is important as it gives the team a clear idea of what you expect and how they can do it for you.


Choosing a team who communicates and keeps you in the loop of everything that happens in the project is important. You cannot just give them a project and not know anything about it unless it is done. Having effective communication helps correct any changes or mistakes immediately and ensures a smoother overall process.

Industry Experts

When you hire a team, you expect great results. But it is your responsibility to choose a team with industry experts who has years of expertise to help you achieve the results that you are looking for.

Customer Reviews

It is a no-brainer to check the customer reviews of an agency that you choose to work with. Customer reviews and customer satisfaction is what makes an agency trustable.


Minimum Viable Product is more like a trailer for your big movie, and it has a lot of benefits, as discussed above. If you are looking to build your software application, make sure you launch MVP and then customize and enhance it with customer feedback.

If you are looking for one piece of advice before starting with your MVP, some companies tend to overdo the idea of minimum, which makes people question the overall existence of the app. So make sure you strike a balance and provide what is necessary at the moment and what can be added in the later stage.

How Can Zaigo Help You With An MVP?

We at Zaigo help you with end-to-end custom software product development services and stay with you throughout the process. With over 7+ years of experience in delivering successful MVPs that evolved as a big hit in the market, we assure to provide customer satisfaction at a competitive market price. We have a team of industry excerpts who helps launch your software with great quality at the expected date.

Custom Software Development For Startups: 6 Proven Tips To Save Your Project Costs

Do you know? One of the most challenging questions every custom software development company will face is, How Much Does Software Development Cost?

Eventually, there won’t be a ready-made answer to that question. Investing money plays a significant role in every startup’s lifecycle, especially while funding software development.

If you’re a startup, you know the value of cost-effectiveness in software development. Money is tight, and you need to make every penny count. That’s why it’s necessary to take the proper steps to ensure that your software project is successful while also staying within budget.

In this article, you’ll learn how a startup can save on project costs yet come up with next-generation software. We lay out six simple steps to save costs on your next custom software development project:

Start With A Plan And Stick To It

The most crucial step in cost-effective software development is to craft a plan and stick to it, no matter what. Ensure you understand what features you require from the software and how it will benefit end users. That will help you avoid any unexpected costs down the line.

Before you start your project, ensure that you have a realistic budget in place, which helps you determine how much you can spend on each stage of the project and ensure that you stay within your budget. Set your project budget and expectations.

1. Define the scope of your project, what you’re building, and why you’re doing it.
2. Research the needs and requirements of your target audience.
3. List the core features you need and want to have in your product.
4. Conduct in-depth research on business and market requirements.

Choose The Right Team For Your Custom Software Development Project

Choosing a custom software development team for your project is one of the best ways to save money and a daunting task. Assure yourself that you select a team with experience in developing custom software and a good track record of success.

1. Request references and inquire about their past clients once you’ve selected one.
2. Pick a team based on the type of project you want to build.
3. Check out their portfolios and the technology they specialize in.
4. Take into account the project’s timeline and cost based on your needs and requirements.

Focus On The Core Features And Build An MVP First

When it comes to custom software development, it can be tempting to add a lot of features. To save money, focus on the core features that you need, and don’t add any extras.

When you’re just getting started with your software development project, the best practice to follow is Minimum Valuable Development. An MVP is not a prototype; don’t confuse these two.

1. Focus on the product’s core features to ensure that it meets our customer’s needs.
2. Stuffing too many features can overwhelm customers and make them less likely to use the product.
3. It is necessary to focus on the core features that will be used most often.
4. Focusing on the core features will streamline the development and maintenance processes as there will be fewer features and lines of code to maintain.

Make Use Of Open-Source Software

Open-source software is a great way to save money on custom software development. Many open-source software solutions are free and can be customized to meet your needs.

1. Open-source software has become an essential part of modern businesses, providing organizations with the ability to create custom software solutions.
2. Because open-source software is free to use, you can save a significant amount of time and money while still delivering a functional project on time.
3. It gives you access to a pool of talent and a vibrant community of developers and contributors, which means you can accelerate your product development cycle.
4. Since it’s constantly reviewed and audited by the developer community, it’s safer to use and collaborate with other developers.

Utilize Agile Development

As a startup, it can be difficult to predict the outcome of business decisions and the potential impacts they could have. Agile software development is a great way to build a robust, functioning product with fewer hiccups.

Using Agile methodology shortens software development processes by setting up experiments, testing ideas, and then collecting feedback. That allows for more informed decisions to be made with greater accuracy.

1. The main benefit of incorporating agile methodology into your development is a shorter time to market.
2. It helps you adapt to changes in the market and stay ahead of the competition.
3. It increases flexibility and improves collaboration, helping you take your ideas off the ground and iterate on them.
4. The agile development process allows you to receive feedback from end users and customers to improve the quality of the product and deliver top-notch software.

Regularly Monitor Progress

Finally, it’s vital to monitor the progress of your custom software development project regularly. That will help you to make sure that everything is on track and that you are staying within your budget.

1. Regularly monitoring progress allows startups to stay informed and be aware of any potential issues or delays in the development process.
2. It helps startups ensure that product standards are being met, as you can quickly identify any coding errors or design issues.
3. Tracking progress regularly ensures that all projects are finished on time.
4. This improves team morale because everyone can see where they are in the process, which reduces rework and leads to a successful outcome.

Final Thoughts

By sticking to a plan, choosing the right team, focusing on the core features, utilizing open-source software, utilizing agile development, and monitoring the progress regularly, you can ensure that your project is successful and cost-effective.

As a renowned custom software development company, we help startups reach their dream while balancing the cost of software development & choosing the best stacks to provide the world-class custom software solutions possible.

How To Build An Offshore Custom Software Development Team In India | The Comprehensive Guide

If you are looking for a custom software development company in India, then you are at the right place. Offshore software development is nothing but outsourcing a team for a particular project that is typically located in another country. It is one of the most famous and influential forms of outsourcing in recent times, and it is only expected to grow.

Benefits Of Offshore Custom Software Development

There are quite a lot of benefits of Offshore Custom Software Development. Here are a few of them:

1. If you are an organization that is located in a different Geographical location, you can still get access to some of the top IT tablets across the globe who does the work for you. Once you hire someone who is good at what they do, you need not have to worry about the quality of the work they do, and you need not think about hiring in the future for the same role.

2. The amount of work that goes behind developing software from scratch is not a joke, especially for companies that are new to doing this. So it is a better idea to outsource talents who reduce the workload for you and ensure excellent quality of work so that you can concentrate on your core business and not worry about software development.

3. When you are building software from scratch on your own, there are high chances of risk. There might be a lot of malfunctions and technical difficulties which you might end up facing. Hence when you hire a professional, they take care of all the work for you with almost zero risk with their expertise and provide high-quality output.

4. Launching the software is one of the most essential parts of creating it. Most companies tend to rush the launch process of the software, which takes a significant toll on the quality, especially if you develop it on your own. But when you hire a custom software product development company, they use strategies and plans for you and make sure they complete the project before the deadline as they have experience in it.

5. If you are planning on developing software, scalability is one of the essential aspects that you need to look at. Although you can hire new people later to scale up the software, it takes a lot of time to hire the right people and costs you money all over again. That is why it is a great idea to hire a team that develops software that is scalable with time.

How To Choose An Outsourcing Agency In India?

Choosing the right outsourcing agency for your organization is one the crucial parts of outsourcing, especially when there are a lot of options for you to choose from.

Here are a few points for you to keep in mind before choosing an outsourcing agency.


Make sure you choose an offshore partner who is good at communicating in your desired language, which makes it easy for you to understand what is happening with the project.


Now that our world revolves around the internet, it is extremely important for us to choose an offshore partner who has safe and secured protocols to protect all the information. So before you go baghead and finalize your partner, make sure you verify their security protocols.

Best Of The Talent

It is essential for you to choose a partner who has talented employees to provide high-quality work for you. One of the primary reasons that you opt for an offshore setup is. So ensure your offshore partner has a team of experts who can help you.


As basic as it may sound, it is important for you to choose an Offshore partner who has high success rates. Make sure you do your research, read articles and reviews about them, and check for Google ranking. Make sure you choose a partner who has happy and satisfied clients.

Custom Solutions

The needs and requirements of every company are different. What you like or want may vary from the market standard. So it is good to choose a partner who provides customers solutions according to your preference.

Things To Know Before Hiring An Offshore Team For Your Software

Even before getting started with hiring an offshore partner, make sure you have a list of the following:

Your Vision

It is better to communicate your vision to the team beforehand so that they get an idea of what exactly you are looking for, and they can go on and build software that matches your vision.


Another essential aspect to look at is the deadline of the project. Make sure you discuss the deadline and get a confirmation of the same with your partner so that there is no confusion and you can launch your software on the planned date.


As much as the Offshore Custom Software Development team helps you with the exact road map of the project, it is better for you to communicate your priorities as a company to them. This gives them a clear idea of what to enhance and what not to do.

Your Needs

Make a list of all the things that you need and discuss them with the team beforehand. Having clear communication even before starting off the project is essential for smooth and seamless output.


Documenting everything that you had discussed with your Offshore partner is very important. When it comes to a business, having clear paperwork is essential, which makes it easier and transparent for both parties.

Is Offshore Outsourcing Suitable For You?

If you are still having second thoughts on whether or not to hire an Offshore team, here are a few pointers, and if your answer is yes to most of these, then it is time for you to hire an offshore development partner ASAP.

1. Would you want to create high-quality software products?
2. You don’t have a team of industry experts to do that for you?
3. Are you looking for a cost-effective way to build your software products?
4. Are you running short on time and looking for high-quality output?
5. You are looking for end-to-end solutions for your software needs.

If you said yes to most of these, then go ahead and choose your Offshore partner wisely, and we are sure it will only bring profits for your business.


Hiring an IT team and developing the software by yourselves comes with a lot of cons like a big hole in your pocket, consuming a lot of time, and so on. Apart from that, one of the major requirements would be to develop high-quality, hassle-free software that you can launch on the planned time with little to zero risk factors.

Another significant advantage of Offshore custom software development is that they provide you with end-to-end solutions, which means you don’t have to worry about anything about the software and concentrate on other essential aspects of your business while they take care of the software part. They help you with after-service calls, back-end work, and everything else that you need in order for your software to function to its fullest potential.

If you are looking for a trustworthy, talented custom software development company in India then Zaigo Infotech is the best option for you. We at Zaigo provide customized, end-to-end software development services at a competitive market price. Reach out to Zaigo Infotech for more details.

5 Best Ways To Lower Cost In Your Next Software Product Development Project

You can’t simply overspend when it comes to software product development because there is frequently a pre-established budget. Adopting creative approaches, enlisting specialists, and avoiding becoming entangled in ineffective strategies are all necessary to keep project costs low without sacrificing quality. A careful and well-documented strategy may, among other things, provide solutions that are both affordable and excellent.

Manage every aspect of the project so that it is completed on schedule and within the allotted budget. To reduce risk exposure and control expenses, every participant in a software product development project has to learn useful and tested techniques. You may learn more about how to accomplish that and more from this article. Let’s look at this:

Pick the Appropriate Software Product Development Technology Stack

Early on, selecting the best product development services may reduce risks and produce significant savings. If you choose the incorrect one, recreating the program will cost you time and money and increase improvement expenses. To choose the product development services that best suit the dynamics of your software, follow a decision tree.

With the correct product development services stack, which includes a front-end framework, server-side framework, database, computer languages, and other elements, you may save time, save costs, make updates simpler, guarantee reliable operations, and complete a release more quickly.

It is simpler to find developers for more widely used programming technology languages since they have a robust community formed around them, like JavaScript.

  • Use software development services that come in a variety of packages that are simple to integrate;
  • Opt for software development services that are dependable and have solid support from reputable providers
  • Ultimately choose the one that looks most efficient and fits your unique needs

Put Together a Trustworthy Software Development Team

A group with the appropriate synergy and good expert-level knowledge may significantly impact the outcome. If you’re able to gather a group of developers with the required skill set, knowledge, flexibility, familiarity, a strong grasp of the needs, and camaraderie, you already have resolved the time and quality challenge.

As time goes in your favor, you may anticipate less delay and budget overruns as a result. The right team has the skills to effectively change priorities, keep a good pace, monitor progress, evaluate, communicate internally, collaborate with stakeholders, have backups, uphold transparency, create the ideal balance, and provide support to shorten the development time and preserve code quality.

  • Employ skilled developers that have a range of skill sets for various elements.
  • Create an environment that welcomes recommendations and constructive debates.
  • Programmers must have a penchant for learning, receiving feedback, and being hands-on.
  • Hold daily stand-up meetings to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) First

Build an MVP first, which is a working product with the minimum of features, not a mockup or a prototype. Even though it isn’t a complete product, you may still engage with and use it. Gather input from decision-makers and end users, then make the necessary adjustments. You may validate a concept using this technique while saving time and money.

CB-Insights estimates that a subpar product was to blame for startup failure about 8% of the time.

Give fundamental functions precedence over just aesthetic ones. An early demonstration of a scaled-down version of the proposed product will show whether the product is on the right track and will provide sufficient value in the long run.

  • MVPs come in low-fidelity and high-fidelity varieties
  • Classify MVP features into practical, desired, and viable categories
  • Assess product fit & potential before allocating a bigger budget
  • Allow for changes in response to user input

Be Agile Right Away

Agile entails writing code in short sprints with quick iterations and a methodology that is adaptable enough to change. Overall, testing, iterating, and speedy modifications contribute to lower software development costs for your software development business. Before pushing for ancillary needs, you get to build, test, and deliver the essential functionality.

Agile’s fundamental tenet makes use of an iterative methodology with brief work cycles for quick production and ongoing refinement. At every level of the sprint cycle, teams react rapidly to the input and make appropriate adjustments.

Agile maintains and limits the sprint’s scope to prevent time and expense overruns. This aids in avoiding a significant misstep and consequent financial collapse towards the end of a project.

  • With Agile, the process from conception to launch is significantly more streamlined and concise.
  • Reduces decision latency, allowing developers to react to rapid changes more quickly.
  • Reduces expenses while enhancing cooperation, system functionality, and customer pleasure.
  • Maintaining a budget is much simpler when obligations can be met on time.

Introduce DevOps

The DevOps technique helps to improve engineers’ productivity throughout the software development lifecycle. The planning, coding, creating, testing, deploying, running, monitoring and feedback phases of the DevOps process are iterative. Developers typically succeed on their first try, primarily because of quick communication and better prioritization.

To reduce the development life cycle, DevOps integrates the best practices of IT operations and software development. To maximize the development budget, DevOps uses Continuous Integration/Testing/Delivery (CI/CT/CD), microservices, process automation, ongoing monitoring, and communication and collaboration.

  • Greater efficiency among developers as a result of improved trust and unit
  • Create less error-prone code because real-time monitoring finds flaws quickly and fixes them.
  • Reduces the delivery time, resulting in a quicker time to market.
  • Post-deployment Constant observation guarantees seamless functioning and stability.

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