Behavior Of Modern B2B Buyers – How Investing In Your Website Development Project Can Pay Huge Dividends

You might not have seen that one coming!

86% of B2B companies use their website as a customer or prospect communication channel.

As the world of business continues to become more and more digital, modern B2B buyers are lost in the woods of the internet in search of a product or service that meets their needs.

B2B buyers like the sound of the self-serve era, as they gather information about your product before contacting you. Is there a secret place to dig out information about your product or service? Probably not. They retrieve information about your business from review sites, social media, customer reviews, and last but not least, your website.

So it’s in your best interest to help your customers by creating a website that is fast, user-friendly and offers your customers helpful information and transparent pricing information about your business and products to help you build a strong customer base, expand your market reach, and gain a competitive advantage in your industry. Investing in B2B website development will pay you huge dividends in the long run in the form of increased sales, more leads, and a better customer experience (CX).

In this article, you’ll get a hang of who are b2b buyers and their behaviors, and a detailed overview of the impact of website development on buyer expectations, the benefits of investing in B2B website development services, and how to create an effective b2b website that attracts business owners.

Who is A B2B Buyer?

A B2B (business-to-business) buyer is an individual or organization that buys products or services from another business. Generally, the B2B buying journey includes several individuals from an organization, decision-makers, influencers, stakeholders, and users.

Behavior Of Modern B2B Buyers

The vast majority of buyers (81%) want to find pricing information on their own.

As we’re swiftly approaching the self-serve purchasing era, it’s crystal clear that B2B buyers have also changed their roadmap for buying a product or service. B2C trends are slowly influencing the buying behavior of B2B, including pricing availability, customer reviews, try-before-you-buy options, and website usability.

A recent survey from Proper Insights & Analytics states that 80% of adult shoppers and business purchasers alike ranked website usability as a high priority for their online shopping experience. In addition, more than 50% of adult shoppers and more than 60% of business purchasers want access to a live customer service representative through the website. It all ties back to our findings that prove we’re shifting towards a self-serve era. (Source: Forbes)

Modern B2B buyers are most likely to rely on online resources and social media to research and compare products and services. They’d like to have all the basic information about the product on the website that helps them in the decision-making process. In this self-serve buying era, helping your prospective customers find information on their own on your website is a more effective strategy than making them get on the phone to know what you offer.

The Impact of B2B Website Development On Buyer Expectations

Vendors should be leveraging their websites and marketing materials to make it easy to find accurate, up-to-date information about the product—including pricing, features, and feedback from customers.

You have to understand that everyone has access to everything in this world right in their hand. As a B2B organization, you should be aware that your website plays an important role in acquiring customers. All you need to do is put your buyer first, and the website will last.

There are several aspects of a website that influence the buyer’s expectations. The primary aspect is the website’s usability. The simplicity-to-use feature will delight prospects and engage them. User-friendly sites are most likely to increase credibility, build trust, and enhance the customer experience.

For your information, most B2B buyers are likely to conduct in-depth research online through third-party review sites, customer reviews, and vendor websites (your site) before engaging with you to discuss further.

B2B buyers are more than halfway (57%) through the decision process when they finally get in touch with a potential vendor. (WebFX)

The content was, is, and will be king. B2B buyers have a weakness for high-quality content, regardless of the service or product. Quality content will serve up quality conversions.

After completing all the research via a third party, social media, and online forums, customers will fall off the cliff straight into your site. Every buyer expects to find detailed information about your products or services and how they benefit from those solutions in line with their pain points.

Be transparent with your clients about your service costs, product pricing features, and contact information. A report from TrustRadius claims that 16% of buyers are likely to cross a vendor off their shortlist for not including upfront and transparent pricing information online.

When it comes to converting your visitors into buyers, the website’s functionality plays a major role. The right B2B website will pass the “blink test” The blink test is from the moment a visitor lands on your website and judges it within 3 to 5 seconds and decides whether they want to stay there or leave right away. Ensure your website meets the needs of your buyers’ expectations, or else they’ll move on to your competitors.

Benefits Of Investing In Website Development

Having a website is a step ahead in business growth. Since the advent of new technology, customers have all the information they need at their fingertips, finding solutions to their problems and products based on their requirements.

B2B buyers are likely to do a lot of research when they need to buy a service or product. That being said, it’s necessary to have a website that satisfies the end users, meets their needs, and resonates with them. Since B2B buyers are never a single person but a committee of decision-makers across different industries, Your website should appeal to every decision-maker in the buying journey.

  • Having a robust website is crucial to establishing a strong online presence, allowing you to reach more audiences and increase visibility in SERP.
  • A well-designed website helps you improve the credibility of your website and makes it professional and trustworthy to prospects.
  • A website that passes the blink test will most likely have more user engagement than other sites. Having chatbots, contact forms, and social media integration allows your business to engage with the right audience more effectively.
  • With the help of a website, you can expand your market reach across the globe, allowing you to increase your customer base.
  • A site with quality content can drive more website traffic to your business and convert those leads into sales, which results in increased ROI.
  • A website created with prospects in mind and optimized with quality content and exceptional UI/UX can promise you a competitive advantage over your competitors.

How To Create An Effective B2B Website That Attracts Business Owners

The B2B buyer’s journey is much longer than the B2C buyer’s journey, and your website is the place to learn more about the products and services you offer. Your website is the meeting point between you and your customers. A B2B website aims to generate leads through valuable information about your products and services, and an eye-appealing user interface.

Have these things in mind before creating a website that attracts your targeted business owners.

1. Conduct threefold market research: identifying your target audience’s needs and business goals, and thorough competitor analysis.
2. Create a goal-oriented road mapping process.
3. Design with your prospects in mind.
4. Optimize UI and UX for a better user experience.
5. Leverage the best SEO practices.
6. Conduct regular A/B tests.

If you have these things in mind and build a website around them, you can make a website more appealing to your B2B buyers, and the chances are very high that they’ll engage with your business. Below are some of the important things to consider when creating an eye-appealing B2B website.

Focus On User Experience

Ensure your website is easy to navigate, loads faster, and has valuable information that your B2B prospects are looking for. Implement obvious, concise content logically and intuitively.

Provide Valuable Content

B2B buyers will always be found researching valuable information. A successful B2B buying journey must provide helpful insights that help your business prospects make informed decisions. Through white papers, case studies, and industry reports, you can offer valuable insights that allow your potential buyers to learn more about your products and services.

Leverage Quality Visuals

Although the content is king! A website without any visuals will look like a word-bald head. Quality images, videos, and relevant graphics make your site more engaging and memorable.

SEO Optimization

Include targeted keyphrases and semantic keywords in your content without stuffing it too much. Optimize your meta tags, and build backlinks from reliable sources to rank higher in SERP and make your brand visible to potential buyers.

Social Proofs

Incorporating social proofs, case studies, and customer testimonials on your site improves your brand’s credibility and builds trust with your prospects.

Be Available To Your Customers

Make it easy for people to reach you. Ensure you have included the right contact information on your website and professional social media profiles, making it easier for prospective customers to contact you.

Final Thoughts

With the advent of technology, modern B2B buyers’ behaviors have transformed a lot. In this self-serve era, buyers tend to get all the information by themselves. So they have all the information in hand, and it’s important to have a website that helps you stand out in a congested market for long-term success. Reach out to the best B2B website development companies in Chennai to create a website that gives you more traffic.

As a renowned offshore website development company in India, we’ve offered the best website development services across the globe for different industries that drive traffic to your website and convert it into sales. Get in touch with our experts to learn more about what we offer.

Stay Competitive In The Market With White-Labeled Software As A Service (SaaS) Products

White-labeling services have grown in popularity over the years, assisting brands in expanding their reach, particularly in the SaaS industry.If done properly, you can build a brand around your white-label SaaS product with the right marketing strategy and affordable pricing.

Do you want your brand to lead the market and step forward as a global leader in your industry? What if I said you could lead your market, and stay competitive while expanding your reach within your budget limit? White-labeled SaaS products are the answer.

SaaS products have been a game changer in the IT industry. Even with the emergence of big data today, SaaS still stays on top as the most preferable software solution that meets all your needs, from reliability to data security.

By this time, you might have anticipated how white-labeling SaaS solutions helps you stay competitive rather than building one. In this blog, we walk you through what white labeling software is, its benefits, and its process.

What Is White Label Software?

White labeling software is a product purchased by a business from a service supplier and marketed as its software. The majority of white-labeled software development is produced by software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies that rent out the rights to their products for a certain subscription period.

White-labeled software often consists of software and associated services that are repurposed for various businesses. They accomplish this by either including a customer’s brand aspects in the software or by providing their clients with an unbranded platform.

Are White-Label Software And Saas Solutions Interchangeable?

The service component is what sets white labeling services apart from white-label software. In both situations, the consumer of white-label products is frequently unaware that the software they are using was created by a third-party SaaS provider that is the IP owner.

Benefits Of Using SaaS White-Label Software

The best approach to offer white-label software development without having to develop it from the start is by white-labeling services. It doesn’t require any special knowledge and can save you time and money. For the reasons outlined below, deciding not to construct a service may just seem more rational depending on a company’s focus and/or aim.

There Is No Requirement For Expertise

Programmer and designer skills are necessary to produce white-label software that provides an outstanding user experience. White-labeled software, on the other hand, just needs a little instruction on how to utilize them. Most developers offer customer service and have resources available to assist you.

Lowers Entry Barrier

Creating a product from scratch requires a significant investment of time, money, and resources. As previously indicated, employing a white label removes the need for R&D, testing, and engineering, saving time and money. The licensing cost is the sole outlay that is relevant.

When starting a firm or organization, an in-house solution could seem like the best option, but you might soon discover that the attempt can sabotage internal business operations and go over budget. It’s crucial to consider time and money; could you afford to set aside a sufficient quantity of each? White labeling services are a fantastic alternative if you don’t.

Extend The Range Of Your Products

Companies can broaden the range of their offerings by spending on white labeling services, which can make them more appealing to both current and potential customers. Using white-label software development services can hasten client response time and satisfaction. They could launch a white-label solution, win clients, and then keep delighting them by offering a branded, functional platform rather than spending all that effort constructing their solution.

Brand Recognition That Is More Efficient

End consumers can quickly identify your brand thanks to the colors, logo, and distinguishing features that are used to represent it. Also, since you’re associating your brand with a high-quality item, trust, and recognition are raised.

The White Labeling Software Process

Customized SaaS tech stack solutions can reduce expenses, save time, and produce the branded look your company must stand out. You must pass several inspections before you can begin using and selling your white-labeled software.

Look For The Item You Require

You must research to find companies willing to white-label a product for you once you’ve selected the course your firm will pursue and that it will use a white-label product. Let’s imagine you want to offer a platform for managing social media, but you don’t want to construct it yourself. You’ll need to locate a company that is creating a social networking site and is prepared to white-label it on your behalf.

Test The Item

you must test the white-label item you intend to market to customers. Whether it be a free trial, a freemium model, or even if you just had to pay a modest sum to obtain a prototype. To determine whether the product is valuable enough to use, present to your clients, and brand with your logo, you need to test it out first.

Remit License Fees

The expenses related to using white-label goods are license fees. Similar to any other SaaS tool or product, license payments for SaaS are based on a subscription model. You pay a yearly or monthly subscription fee in exchange for the right to use, brand, and sell the product under your name.

Adapt The Logo

You can customize the platforms with your design and colors to reflect your brand once you’ve agreed to the conditions with your supplier and paid the license fees. Utilizing your logo is essential, but other adjustments, such as increasing the font size, would also help the product reflect your company’s brand.

Provide Clients Or Sell To Them

You can utilize this software as you’d like, whether you’re using it to generate sales or resell to your clients. Your decision is yours.


Now, you might have grasped an idea of how white-labeled SaaS products help you to stay competitive in the market. SaaS products come with low cost and ease of use and you can easily develop and modernize the products based on your future demands.

As a renowned white-labeled software development company, we offer high-quality SaaS solutions that are scalable, flexible, reliable, and secure that meet the end user’s needs.

How Does Offshore Software Development Improve Your ROI | Why Do Many Companies Prefer Offshoring?

From startups to enterprises, everyone wants to increase their ROI and stand out in the crowd. You have to implement smarter strategies to achieve greater ROI. In this ever-changing market, we need products with advanced features but also want them faster, safer, and more secure. This is where offshore development comes into play.

It is essential to leverage partnerships with a leading offshore software development company to stay ahead of the competition, quicker value to market at low cost without compromising on the quality of the product, and increase your ROI. A well-established offshore software product development company will assist startups, small-medium-sized businesses, and enterprises succeed in achieving greater ROI.

In this blog, you will learn about offshore software product development, why companies prefer offshore software development services, and how offshoring services improve your ROI and help your business grow.

Offshore Software Product Development

Offshoring is the process of hiring an external software vendor company to develop software or applications. Offshore software development enables startups and enterprises to lower their development costs and time while increasing the efficiency of their products. Offshore development allows you to release software more quickly than your competitors. Use time zone differences and offshore models to accelerate your development process and increase your ROI.

Why Do Businesses Choose Offshore Software Development Outsourcing

Offshore development provides you with cost-effective access to a diverse pool of skilled workers from around the world. You’ll gain access to the latest technologies that your in-house team lacks by leveraging offshore development models, and you won’t have to spend a lot of time and money hiring someone to fill the gap. So, it may seem good to offshore your upcoming software development or enhance the existing one.

Cost Savings

The substantial reason why most companies prefer offshore is that it’s a cost-effective solution. Hiring an offshore software development team significantly reduces the cost of hiring in-house developers without compromising the product’s quality. Several factors influence the cost of offshoring, such as project scope, timeline, and complexity. Many companies prefer to outsource to an offshore development agency rather than hire individual and freelance developers for their software projects.

India is one of the leading countries for outsourcing software development. India is known for its cost-effective and top-notch software development companies. By 2025, Indian IT businesses are expected to reach $350 billion in revenue. Hire an offshore software development company in India to reduce your development costs and increase ROI with high-functioning software.

Faster Delivery Times

Take advantage of the different time zones and get more done in less time. Offshoring your product development not only helps you with investment but also saves a lot of time. You can tap into the pool of talents across the globe, leverage the overlapping hours, and stay competitive in the market.

Increased Quality

Does it meet the quality you expect your product to have? That’s the question. Oh, yes! Of course, offshoring software development allows you to access the best talents in the world in your niche. An offshore software development vendor may have more diverse experience than your in-house team. So, you can leverage their expertise in software development and build robust software.

Access To New Markets

If you ask me, why should I offshore my software project to a third party? If you haven’t, you might miss a golden opportunity to grow your business. By leveraging the expertise of offshore product development services providers, you can build software that meets the unique requirements of diverse cultures and markets. Also, you’ll reach new customers and expand your customer base.

Access To The Latest Technologies

In this ever-evolving technology era, there’s always demand, and there’s always something new. No wonder how AIs have been incorporated into business strategies within one year.

Worldwide, only 37% of organizations have incorporated AI into their business.
(Source: Gartner)

Having access to the latest technologies could probably boost your revenue and decrease your upfront costs. You can stay ahead of the curve and up-to-date with the latest industry trends and statistics with an offshore software development company. By leveraging offshore services, you get access to the latest technologies and can also build robust software at a lower cost.

Scalable Solution

The scalability of the software determines the long-term quality of the product. No software has been built perfectly, and there’s always demand in the market and ever-evolving user expectations. To solve both, you should develop a product that not only meets the needs of today but also the demands of the far-off future.

At Zaigo Infotech, we’re passionate about developing custom software products that are loved by end users and scalable for future business demands.

How Does Offshore Software Development Improve ROI?

“In the coming year, outsourcing is predicted to be an antidote for economic woes.” Quote from Accelerance Global Software Outsourcing Trends and Rates 2023

Every company is concerned about its employees’ time and money (yep, time is money). And, guess what? We can save both while focusing on organizational growth. Return on investment (ROI) is the most valuable financial term that every company measures to determine how to maximize profit from limited resources.

You can maximize the ROI by either increasing the ROI or decreasing expenses. Offshoring helps you in both ways. Typically, the ROI from offshore software development is much higher than onshore. Because when it comes to offshore outsourcing software development, it helps decrease expenses, thus resulting in increased ROI.

As we mentioned above, offshore software development eliminates the need to hire a development team, engage them, upskill their talents based on current trends and technologies, retain employees, and the list goes on. With offshore software development, you will get access to everything from the latest technologies to a scalable and robust software product that boosts your revenue growth.

Final Thoughts

Offshore software product development outsourcing has become increasingly popular among businesses. Numerous companies have outsourced their projects, resulting in great ROI.

IBM, WhatsApp, HP, and Slack are just a few examples of large corporations that outsource their software development needs to maximize ROI while lowering costs, increasing flexibility, and tapping into a large pool of talent.

Dedicated Development Team Vs. In-House Team – Which One Is Efficient For Your Next Project?

Do you have an idea for a project and wonder whether to outsource or hire a dedicated development team to develop it into a marketable product?

Well, you might have come across both; a dedicated development team involves a third-party company providing software development outsourcing services. On the other hand, an in-house development team involves a team of developers employed by a company who work on the project.

According to Commit, software development outsourcing will grow by 70% in 2023.

You can choose which works for you depending on the project requirements and budget limit. In this blog, you’ll learn what an in-house development team and a dedicated team are and which one to choose for your next software development project.

What Is An Inhouse Development Team?

To begin with, in-house development, known as insourcing, is developing software using specialists hired by the company as opposed to the outsourcing process. The one standout reason why companies hire an in-house development team is to take better control of the project.

In this case, it’s easier to manage and collaborate with them since they’re already on board. One of the best things about an in-house development team is that they can move from task to task faster since they are aware of your company’s needs and adapt to them.

Advantages Of In-House Development

You can have better control over your project since you have a team of developers who understand your company’s conduct code, ethical values, and organizational culture. That means there’s no need for additional resources or an NDA because one has already been signed.

In terms of communication, an in-house development team is better because you can contact them face-to-face and have a better understanding of the development process. You can speed up the development process by eliminating bugs and making changes to the project faster.

In-house developers know the company’s values and needs and are culturally fit. They know how the company runs and its peculiarities, which makes work organization easy when it comes to in-house development.

Disadvantages Of In-House Development

Yup, that’s true. There are some downsides to in-house development, and they all come down to one thing: cost. Having an in-house development team is way too expensive, from onboarding and paying wages to paying for software and hardware licenses, engagement, and more.

What Is A Dedicated Development Team?

Unlike in-house development, a dedicated team is a model for a long-term project between a client and the outsourcing dedicated software development team. In a dedicated development model, you hire dedicated software developers for long-term projects.

If you’re planning to outsource a large and long-term project with a well-established scope and goals, a dedicated team is a great option for you. So, you don’t have to waste time building a team out of IT professionals and can instead focus on what matters to business growth.

Advantages Of The Dedicated Team Model

The one outstanding advantage of a dedicated development team module is that it can scale up and down based on future demands and is flexible. A dedicated team is also a cooperative group of IT professionals who have already worked together. A dedicated team already has great cooperation and communication skills, resulting in a high-quality product.

Once you hire dedicated development teams, you can outsource the project as a whole, assign staff, and train the employee for a specific project. With a dedicated team model, you don’t need to manage all the resources as they’ve already worked together as a group.

Hiring a dedicated team saves you time and money, as you don’t have to look for IT professionals, save on internet and electricity bills, and cover health insurance.

A dedicated team ensures complete project delivery with high quality and standards, reduces cost by leveraging efficient resources, increases efficiency as they can anticipate problems faster, is flexible in terms of skills and competencies, and adapts to changes in project requirements.

Disadvantages Of The Dedicated Team Model

One thing that lacks in the dedicated team model is the culture gap. Contrary to the in-house development team, the dedicated team doesn’t share the same values as the customer or the hiring company.

A dedicated development team model is not an ideal option for small projects. You can try hiring remote IT staff for smaller projects. With fewer milestones and a well-planned project map, you can easily develop the project.

In-House Team Is Great For

Having an in-house development team is ideal for those with a large budget and no project deadline, those who want to protect their data at all costs, important projects, and large IT companies.

With an in-house team, you get quick turnaround time, increased collaboration, clear and effective communication, culturally fitted employees, and better control over the project to meet the needs and requirements of your end users.

A Dedicated Team Is Great For

I’d recommend you hire a dedicated development team for larger and longer-term projects. A dedicated development team is great for a project without a defined scope and deadline since they’re flexible and scalable depending on the project requirements.

Dedicated Development Vs. In-House Development Team: Key Differences

Factors In-House Team Dedicated Development Team
Timeline It takes 2-3 months to hire one IT staff It only takes 2-4 weeks to sign a contract with an outsourcing company
Cost Expensive Cost-effective at a reasonable price.
Great For Data protection Long-term project
Global Talent Limited resources Access to diverse talents
Scalability Has to augment staff for specific IT needs Highly scalable based on your future project demands

Is It A Good Idea To Hire Dedicated Developers Or A Team From A Software Development Outsourcing Company?

Why not! It’s a win for your upcoming project. As you can see, outsourcing your project to a company that shares the same interests and loves working together on your idea is a great way to reduce costs and develop great products that satisfy end users.

Before you outsource, make sure they’ve got what you need, from experience to the ability to tackle unplanned changes in the project and deliver great results. Make sure you choose a dedicated development team with great collaboration and communication.

With 7+ years of experience in software product development, we have successfully delivered a list of extraordinary apps for our partners. Contact us to discuss the scope and goals.

Know About MVP Software Development: Benefits and User Experience

Let’s imagine a scenario,

You have a marvelous idea for an app that will transform the user’s life. You go to a software product development company, spend all your savings, and insert all the top-notch features you want.

Your dream app is now available on the market with its dreamy features and exquisite designs. Only to fall short as it fails to help your users with the basic features they need and to address their pain points.

That is where MVP comes into play.

Despite what the term signifies, MVP software development is an approach to developing a production-ready product. A good Minimum Viable Product (MVP) has fundamental features and addresses users’ pain points.

Building an MVP validates your product, gives a lot of room for improvement based on your users’ suggestions, and helps you reach the market faster.

What is MVP Software Development?

A minimum viable product, or MVP, is the basic version of your tech product. This version has fundamental features that offer solutions to users’ needs. With the help of your MVP, you can get feedback from your customers and continuously improve the product according to their requirements.

The fundamental concept of MVP development is to take your idea to market faster and validate your ideas without wasting all your money. MVP software development employs agile methodology to reach end users as soon as possible.

How to Build an MVP?

Building an MVP is not a piece of cake and demands a lot of work. As aforementioned, an MVP is a basic, launchable version of your market product.

For MVP development, you should hire experienced developers for outstanding results. At Zaigo, we provide custom software product development services with tried and proven MVP development strategy.

Follow these steps to build a cost-effective MVP.

  • Begin by conducting market research.
  • Define your idea.
  • Select the best MVP approach.
  • Find Your Ideal Clientele
  • Analyze the Pain-and-Gain Map
  • Prioritize the App features
  • Build your MVP.
  • Create, Test, and Learn


How to Prioritize Features for Your MVP?

Do you know?

90% of startups fail because they don’t understand how to use a minimum viable product (MVP) to invent products that customers love to have.

Because it only serves the basic and core functionality features, an MVP is never a place to dump all your dreamy features. It is critical to distinguish between the wants and needs of features to include in the MVP development process.

  • Research the market and your target audience.
  • List down the elements you’d love to have.
  • Divide the features into needs and wants.
  • Put needs and requirements first.
  • Then add other features one by one.


While choosing the features, remember that they’re only for the small community of the target audience and not for the broader base to function at a high level.

Choose the minimum features that provide the best solution for your potential customers without compromising the user experience.

Benefits of MVP

MVP development has considerable benefits. But the significant advantages are validating ideas, reducing risks, delivering value faster, and ensuring cost efficiency.

  • Ensuring Cost-efficiency
  • Faster Release
  • Room for evolution
  • Reduced engineering hours
  • Constant updates as per feedback
  • Attract investors


Ensuring Cost-efficiency

Building an MVP doesn’t require enormous work because it arrives with minimal features and viable functionality. Even if there is an error or fault, you can analyze, measure, and evolve based on the requirements.

Faster Release

If you utilize the MVP method wisely, you can launch your final product without worrying about anything. The product will be risk-free as you build it with constant feedback at every step. Zaigo is a custom software development company that provides quality software product development services to take your idea to market faster and safer with MVP software development methods.

Room For Evolution

Unlike other software development processes, the minimum viable product development procedure is progressive, thus allowing you to improve the quality of the product per the market’s demands.

Reduced Engineering Functions

Practicing a gradual process in MVP for software development permits us to minimize the amount of rework and feature rebuilding.

Constant Updates As Per Feedback

The most beneficial thing about MVP for software development is that you can build a better final product with the help of your end users’ tangible and reliable feedback.

Attract Investors

It’s easy to attract investors when you have a functional MVP of your idea. It improves your credibility in the market. As you’ve already entered the market, it’s easy to attract investors and increase the chances of funding. That is because you have market validation and potential customers for the product you aim to launch.

MVP & User Experience

50% of apps are uninstalled within a month of being downloaded, according to AppsFlyer.

The one thing that you shouldn’t compromise on in a product is the user experience. The primary purpose of the user experience is to retain customers by providing value.

MVP development analyzes the product’s capabilities through engagement, longevity, and lifetime value. With MVP, you can measure how a customer interacts with the product to analyze how quickly they understand the purpose of your app. Based on the data, you can improve the functionality and provide a better user experience.

Final Thoughts

MVP software development is a continuous process of testing, measuring, improving, iterating, and evolving. MVP development is a great advantage only if executed correctly.

Many successful startups were once MVPs. If you still doubt developing an MVP, look at the successful MVPs that turned the digital world upside down.

Facebook, Airbnb, Amazon, Buffer, Twitter, Uber, iPhone, Spotify, Zappos, and Dropbox were once MVPs. And fortunately, at Zaigo, we have a team to help you accomplish that. Join us to create your MVP.

How SaaS Application Development Saves You Time And Money

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Ever questioned what SaaS application development stands for? The potential to use technology to save money and time is among the most beneficial features of business operations in the digital age. To fulfill corporate expectations, several sectors are starting to hunt for innovative software. The entirety of the tech industry will be centered on SaaS application development services by 2023.

The usage of SaaS applications has grown quickly during the past ten years. Like many other business software development trends, SaaS has developed into a jargon that is difficult to understand and harder to ignore. This type of software distribution exposes you to cutting-edge technologies within a predetermined budget. SaaS application development lets your organization save money while maintaining a high level of flexibility with comprehensive expert support.

You may get several advantages by moving your infrastructure into the cloud. One thing to keep in mind while considering SaaS app development is that it will surely save you time and money. Let’s discuss each advantage of SaaS for your company now.

Shorter Duration

Setting it up and installing it takes very little time. Installation becomes difficult and time-consuming with so many applications. SaaS application development services take care of all of that for you. The product is pre-installed when you buy it. SaaS fulfills the need to minimize installation time to the greatest extent possible.

Total Cost Savings

Saving time nearly always results in financial savings. For SaaS software development products, the same holds true. Since there is no installing time, you save time in addition to enjoying additional benefits and cheaper licensing expenses. Since it might be challenging to save money, company owners hunt for perks like these and must take advantage of them when they are discovered.

Data From Analysis

Businesses may obtain data reporting and intelligence capabilities by using SaaS software development offerings. These tools are helpful since they may provide a wealth of information about a business. This feature of the software helps highlight the firm’s assets and liabilities as well as prospective improvement opportunities.


You’re probably seeking anything that is always accessible and readily available if you’re looking for a product to simplify things for your business. SaaS software development-based products are the answer. As long as you have access to the Internet and your device can operate these items, they are accessible every day of the week, all day long.

3 Ways SaaS Management Systems Limit Unnecessary SaaS Costs

No organization should put up with unnecessary expenditure, not even in a universe of almost limitless riches. To avoid the following, all companies should implement an SMP for complete visibility.

The Same SaaS Software is Utilized by Many Teams and Users Under Various Accounts

You lose out on corporate bulk price savings, which are a pretty simple method to save money when numerous teams register for the same software independently. Furthermore, you’re probably missing out on the desired SaaS tiers’ offers, functionality, and support. You’ll be able to merge many accounts for better deals with greater insights provided by an SMP.

Numerous SaaS Solutions For The Exact Same Use Case

Along with the aforementioned advantages, you also miss out on SaaS app standardization-related efficiencies like user and IT efficiency. With the help of an SMP, you may standardize the most popular SaaS programs and increase IT productivity.

Underutilized and Unused SaaS Applications

If your company is typical, 10% of the apps have not been touched in the past 90 days, and 15% have not been used in the past 30 days. You may cease paying for applications that are not used at all or infrequently by employees thanks to complete visibility into employee SaaS web development uptake and insightful data. Additionally, you may create a workflow that ensures no time is wasted by the IT staff by utilizing alerts and automation.

Leverage SMP For User Lifecycle Management To Maximize IT Efficiency

This encompasses the transitions made throughout the mid-lifecycle between onboarding and offboarding.

Automated onboarding produces amazing new employee experiences and Day One preparedness. IT teams may effectively move new hires from acceptance of an offer through their first days at work by setting up customized automated procedures. Workflows that supply a new user’s apps, issue rights, share documents, and folders, add users to groups and projects, and more can be activated by human resources or IT with a few straightforward steps. Efficiency is increased by simplified mid-lifecycle change automation. Employees take long periods of absence or switch roles. Workflows may be used by IT to quickly and easily alter rights and reassign resources. Both automated alarms and audit logs—which both save IT time—communicate that the transfer has been completed.

Offboarding that is automated saves time and hassle. Offboarding entails a complex set of procedures that must be finished quickly. One user must be offboarded in an average of more than 7 hours. In to automatically deactivate app and user access, transfer data, log all activities for monitoring and compliance, and keep and subsequently destroy files in accordance with security policy, the finest SaaS web development management systems perform workflows. All of this results in substantial time savings and improved IT efficiency.

Offboarding that is automated saves time and hassle. Offboarding entails a complex set of procedures that must be finished quickly. One user must be offboarded in an average of more than 7 hours. In to automatically deactivate app and user access, transfer data, log all activities for monitoring and compliance, and keep and subsequently destroy files in accordance with security policy, the finest SaaS web development management systems perform workflows. All of this results in substantial time savings and improved IT efficiency.

Overall, SaaS application development services increase IT productivity and free up IT time. Centralized administration makes it simple to automate routine processes and get rid of tedious, repetitive manual labor. Teams focus on what is most crucial and really do more with less.

20 Best White Label Software Development Services To Increase The Agency Revenue

If you are looking for the best White Label software development services for your company? You are at the right place. White Labels are unbranded, reusable software that you as a company can get from a provider and can rebrand, and resell to your clients with a great profit margin.

Advantages of White Label software development


If you want to build software from scratch, it takes a lot of time and effort. At the same time, the White Label SaaS is a pre-created software where you can easily load all the data that you want and customize it as per your wish and make it your own.


With the White Label platform comes a lot of benefits. You can scale it as your business grows, as you can easily incorporate new services or add-ons.

Customized Solutions

With the White Label platform, you can customize your platform as per your need and provide custom-made solutions for each and every client.


Although you don’t develop them from scratch, you can still call them your own and you have 100% ownership which is great for your brand. So people who trust you and your brand buy them without any second thought.

Cost Cutting

While developing software or service from scratch, when things go wrong, you need experts to help you figure it out, which means you need to shell out a lot of money as their pay. Whereas with White Labels, the service provider takes entire care, which saves you a ton of money.

20 Best White Label Software Development Services to Increase the Agency Revenue


ActiveCampaign is a marketing automation software that is very popular and is used by a lot of brands to grow their brand and increase their revenue. Almost every company needs a CRM for their business, and ActiveCampagn is a great choice.

With ActiveCampaign, you can easily pull info from multiple social media which helps automate your marketing needs. ActiveCampaign lets you customize the domain, logo, buttons and etc.., according to your requirements.

ActiveCampaign also comes with a 14-day trial period which you can avail of and see if it works for you. If you are looking for a marketing automation white label, ActiveCampaign is a great option for you.


Simvoly is one of the most famous White label websites and funnel builders that is available in the market. With Simvoly, you can 100% customize the website according to your requirements which is a big plus.

Simvoly also comes with more than 500 templates for funnels and website building which your clients can choose from. Simvoly is one of the affordable white-label platform options that are available in the market. Since Simvoly lets you and your clients build funnels and websites, it directly involves generating more revenue for both the agency as well as your client.


Unlayer is one of the best Email editing White label software in recent times. Email marketing has become one of the main parts of digital marketing, and to have an automated Email template that is beautiful to look at all the browsers and is very responsive.

Drafting an email for every single customer or client is really time-consuming and takes a lot of effort. Here is where the Unlayer comes in handy and has a lot of email and landing page templates you can choose from.

Team Wave

If you are looking for White Label software that is suitable for small businesses, then TeamWave is a great fit for you. It is a CRM, project management, and HRM software for small businesses. Creating software from scratch takes a lot of time, and you need a dedicated resource to develop it for you. Whereas TeamWave is pre-equipped with all the stuff that you need as a small business to keep track of your projects and CRM management.

Inbox Army

InboxArmy is an Email marketing agency that helps you with Email marketing and helps generate more revenue through sales. Email marketing and newsletters are trending these days, and having to do it by yourself is a task in itself. InboxArmy does all the backend email marketing work for you and helps your business grow,


Sendible is a Social media management white-label platform in one place. If you are active on more than one social media platform, which you should be, Sensible manages all of it and provides info about them all under a single dashboard. It lets you schedule posts and schedule and draft messages, all under a single platform. With Sendible, you can easily analyze how a post is doing on any social media platform with just a click of a button which saves you a lot of time and, in turn, saves money too.


If you are someone who owns a blog or needs reviews of blogs and other written media, then Rankur is the one for you. Rankur analyses written content on all social media platforms. It has a dashboard that provides all info about the geographic details, age group, gender, and interests of people who could be your ideal clients, through which you can provide targeted ads and content and generate revenue through sales.


If you are a small business and are looking for an end-to-end White Label platform, then Vendasta is the best option for you. With Vendasta, you get access to everything that you, as an agency or a small business, need to run your business successfully and generate your revenue, all under one roof. From Payment gateway to managing your team and upselling your services, it has them all.


A mention is a white-label software that lets you monitor all of your social media accounts under a single roof. It provides you with ideas and strategies by analyzing what people like, what people discuss, and what is trending, which helps you generate more sales, thus resulting in more revenue.


AuthorityLabs is one of the top cloud-based search engines that is available in the market and is also used by a lot of top businesses and agencies. It is specifically designed for small and midsize businesses to analyze the ranking of their websites in all different search engines. It provides insights into how the site is performing, which helps the business grow.


If you are looking for a sales CRM white-label software, then SalesPype is the perfect fit for you. SalesPype is an all-in-one platform that provides you with all the tools. From Sales pipelines, Forms, surveys, email marketing, etc.., all under a single roof. With all the tools that it provides, it helps convert your prospect into clients and helps you generate more revenue.


ProfitBooks is an all-in-one accounting software that helps you in tracking all things money without any prior accounting knowledge whatsoever. It keeps track of all the expenses, lets you create invoices, share transaction details, and receive payments. It also helps you track all the inventory, low stock reports, and so on under a single platform making it easier for you to manage your business.


Ecwid is a white Label online selling platform that lets you create your own store and start selling your products online easily. It lets you sell across different platforms like Amazon and Etsy and syncs them all for you. It uses Facebook and other social media ads to help attract more customers to your store, thus resulting in more revenue. With Ecwid, you can manage all of your store-related stuff in a single dashboard which makes it even more convenient,


Sendinblue is an online marketing platform that helps you with all things related to marketing for your business. From email marketing to push notifications to WhatsApp campaigns to anything and everything that you need in order to run your business in a profitable way. It helps you with chatbots, and sales CRM, keeps track of all the transactions, etc.., making it easier for you to run your business.


Moosend is an online email marketing and white-label automation agency that creates more revenue through increased sales. It helps you create a personalized newsletter for every subscriber, and it creates top-notch, beautiful newsletters that attract readers. It has beautiful-looking landing pages that easily convert your reader into your customers, thus generating revenue.


SocialPilot is a social media marketing white-label software that lets you access and manages all of your social media platforms under a single dashboard From customizing posts to scheduling the posts, providing analytics of each and every post that you make, the engagement on the posts, and whatnot. It is a one-stop place for all your social media marketing needs to increase the revenue of your business.


WotNot is one of the most popular white-label Chatbot software that lets you create chatbots for your websites. With the development in technology, chatbots are one of the recent yet useful innovations, and it has made the job of the customer support team faster and more efficient as the bot replies to customers’ queries almost instantly.


Howuku is a Whitelabel site optimization software that lets you optimize your site and helps your business grow. It lets you hear about what your target audience talks about and what they like through surveys and polls and lets you create targeted ads and content that helps convert your leads as clients.

If you are looking for a white-label client portal that has all the features, is the best option for you. It creates a branded mobile app specifically created for your business that is safe and user-friendly. Your employees and clients can download the app and share resources, files, and other things in the app. It also lets you message privately and is 100% safe to use.


Weblium is an online website-building platform that helps you create websites for yourself or your clients in just a blink of an eye. It also helps you with landing pages, creating an online store, a Business card website, and so on. It also helps you create free websites with no time for NGOs and other charitable trusts.

Weblium has a lot of templates for tour websites which you can choose from for all industries. Pick the template that you like and make edits, and you are done with your brand-new, great-looking website.


Now that you have an idea of all the top white-label software development platforms for your brand, it is your choice to select the best out of the lot. To land on the perfect White Label, all that you need to do is:

1. List down all of your needs and requirements and things that you are looking for from the white-label software development services provider.
2. Do your research and make sure you read everything about their reviews and ratings before you finalize.
3. Make sure you choose the one that is scalable as your business grows.

How White Label Software Helps Your Business Grow

If you are looking to use white-label software for your business and wondering in what way it benefits your business.

White label software is nothing but products or services that you buy from a seller and brand, customize them, add as many or as few features as you like, and resell them to your customers with your own branding. The white Labeling model is great in so many ways, and here we are going to discuss everything about why you need to use the White label model in your Business.

Benefits Of White Label Software

White Label software does have a lot of benefits, and here are the top 10 reasons why you should use them.


The first and major advantage of using a white-label software service is that they save you a ton of time. Yes, in order for you to create your own product or service from scratch requires a lot of time. Whereas if you buy a white-label product or a service from a seller, you save the time that you would have spent on developing the product from scratch.

Money Saving

Yes, with developing a product or a service from scratch, you require a lot of time and money. If you are to create your own product or service, you need a separate resource in order for you to help with the developing process, and you need to pay them the salary they ask for. Whereas with white labels, the product or the service is already developed, and you end up saving a ton of money.


In order for a product or a service to be a hit, it should be of great quality. Offering high-quality products requires a lot of time, effort, and money. Whereas with the white label services, the seller takes entire care of creating high-quality products, and you need not have to worry about it.


When it comes to developing a product or a service from scratch, you have to keep in mind its scalability. Businesses are expected to grow, and it is important for brands to create products that are easily scalable. But creating a product or a service that is scalable is a difficult task, and here is where the white label software development come to the rescue.

Client Retention Rate

If you provide good quality, scalable products, then your client retention rate will be higher, which results in increased revenue for your Business. Business not just needs clients but needs recurring clients in order for them to grow, and with white-label models, you get higher client retention rates.

Reduced Pressure

If you are a brand or an agency and are looking to create products or services on your own instated of relying on a white-label model, you put too much pressure on your time which decreases productivity and disturbs another set of work that you might have. White Label services do all the work by themselves, and all you have to do is customize and rebrand them according to your needs and resell them to your clients.

Cut Down on Resources

Yes, if you are to build a product from scratch, you need a separate team for it to take care of something that goes wrong, and you constantly need to rely on your team to get things done. But with white label services, the seller takes entire care of the backend part even if things go wrong, and you get to cut down on resources which means less stress handling another team and coordinating with them.


As a business, it is natural for you to lack in certain areas. With white label services, you get to fill the gap as the white label sellers only offer services that they have expertise in, which makes you an expert in that particular field which helps provide better value to the clients who purchase from you.

Satisfied Clients

Not just a digital marketing agency, any business would want to have satisfied clients in order for their business to grow and evolve. With white-label models, you get to provide great customer satisfaction as you provide your clients with high-quality products, great backend support, expert advice, and whatnot. So if having satisfied clients is your goal, then using a white-label model is a great option for you.

Customized Solutions

While most of the clients prefer customized solutions for their problems, it gets easier with white label software as they come with templates, and all that you need to do is select the appropriate templates and add as much as additional features as you wish to for that particular client and you are done.


White-label software development is a great way for businesses to upgrade their portfolio and provide high-quality, valuable products and services to clients. As discussed above, there are quite a lot of benefits that come with white-label models, and it’s high time you start using them for the growth of your Business. If you are a small to mid-scale business, we highly recommend you to switch to a White Label software as they help you with stuff that you don’t have expertise in and minimize the money and time you would else spend on creating a product from scratch. Buying a product or a service from a seller, rebranding it, adding more features, and calling the product your own is a boon, isn’t it?

Digital Transformation Strategies: How Artificial Intelligence Is Redefining Success?

Businesses now urgently need to embrace digital transformation because it will increase customer loyalty, boost revenue, and provide valuable insights. All these factors encourage businesses to adopt digital transformation strategies and make investments in cutting-edge technology.

The significance of digital change in the modern world cannot be overstated. It’s time to transform it as a concept and make it a reality in your business by implementing new technologies or methods which will better serve customers’ needs. By providing the experience they need rather than just giving it away for free as many businesses do these days, you’ll attract customers even more than before!

Ways development of artificial intelligence can affect organizational’ success with digital transformation strategies

A Better Comprehension of Customer Preferences

Customers are developing a deeper sense of who they are as a result of how the development of artificial intelligence is assisting in more accurately defining their preferences and wants. Based on having a precise persona-based marketing plan in place at launch time, enables firms who achieve digital transformation initiatives from the outset to have greater customer retention rates as well as enhanced pleased customers.

AI makes it easier than ever for businesses to collaborate by going past people’s outward similarities and identifying possible issues or hurdles early on.

According to a digital transformation expert, firms may ensure there won’t be any hiccups in their efforts to adopt artificial intelligence by employing tools such as IBM Cognitive Business Analytics, which employs big data analysis techniques such as artificial technology among others.

Forecast Consumer Behavior and Trends

Strong tendency models by persona are now achievable thanks to AI-based algorithms, and they are crucial for forecasting which consumers would respond to a bundle or price offer.

A propensity model, by definition, needs to rely on predictive, including artificial technology, to forecast a person’s likelihood of buying a particular product based on their prior interactions with marketing campaigns from other businesses that are intended to increase conversion rates, such as upsell/cross-sell.

Since personality models can characterize each person’s personality type to better target advertising and communication, they have been shown to be very successful at increasing client retention while lowering churn rates. This helps you keep your current clientele while also potentially attracting new ones.

Insights on Data-Driven Marketing

Businesses and marketers may now benefit from data-driven marketing strategies thanks to Artificial Intelligence Technology. Without the need for human engagement, data-driven techniques are leading the way in determining your client’s demands and accurately anticipating their future behavior.

The most ideal & correct knowledge is delivered whenever a digital transformation firm employs Artificial Intelligence Technology to bring in additional data-driven understanding. The strength of artificial intelligence also helps businesses that rely on advertising, like Facebook and YouTube, to provide better targeting choices, ushering in an era when cost efficiency can be seen across crucial jobs like media purchasing or even customer care answers. It was all brought about by Artificial Intelligence Technology.

Producers can employ cutting-edge technology called artificial intelligence to boost sales. With the aid of artificial technology, it is now possible to analyze and present the reasons why customers aren’t purchasing particular goods as well as what they could need in order to make these purchases more convenient for them to access, thanks to a creative design that is tailored to their needs and has lower costs as a result of efficiency gains from reduced waste production.

Reliable Customer Support

According to Gartner, businesses that integrate artificial intelligence into their customer service centers will see a 25% rise in operational productivity while also altering the way that consumers are cared for.

Given the lack of or limited data on current contexts available through digital transformation techniques inside of ecommerce websites or brick-and-mortar shops where customers can serve remotely when the need arises, this is the ideal use case; the data would end up making all facets more informative and better tailored toward individual needs.

By deploying user interest tracking and chatbots, digital transformation organizations in India are exploring the possibilities of AI for customer support in many industries.

Improved Decision-Making

Making decisions is a challenging task for many firms. Having no time left in the day to sort through all of this important material due to the abundance of data accessible. As a result, it is difficult to decide what needs to be done with your firm next. In truth, there are additional things you wish might resume their proper courses, such as unmet sales or marketing objectives.

The decision is made through prioritized conversations among staff at the corporate headquarters (or wherever). When these kinds of decision-making procedures incorporate artificial intelligence as a cutting-edge toolbox. Managers will not only be able to feel more assured about upcoming opportunities. Additionally, a skilled digital transformation consultant may assist you in finding better applications for it in corporate decision-making.

How To Choose The Perfect Team of Software Developers For Your Custom Software Development

So you are finally on the hunt to find the best team of software developers for your next custom software development project? It may seem tempting to announce to everyone that you are going to build a perfect software project.

But no, not yet!

You need a team of the best custom software developers before even visualizing or assuming your next big IT project.

The decision on your final team is going to impact your business for at least 5 years plus it will cost you some investment. That’s why it is recommended to choose the best custom development services.

Firstly, you should ask these 4 questions to your team for better understanding,

Do They Have Experience Developing in the Industry?

Let’s assume the software is for the FinTech industry, there are a lot of security risks and an extreme need for data accuracy. Even if you attempt to hire one of the world’s leading developers, zero knowledge of FinTech laws, future tech, and current trends will not result in good quality software. The team may undermine the primary requirement which can lead to a lot of risks, mismatches, quality issues, and general standards.

Your developers should understand,

  • Why your business exists
  • Business’s size and growth stage
  • Internal and external staff (developer) operations
  • General understanding of the world apart from the tech degree

The team or the custom development services should understand the context around your business. What do you want to do, what are your current goals, and where is the business going? Without understanding these, a custom software developer can’t build a system that works for your business.

They might go overboard or be too generic, or you might spend more on workarounds, additional hacks, supporting your staff, or apologizing for delays. In other words, it is best to use developers and business expertise for great process improvement.

Do the Goals and Vision Align? Is it Challenging Them?

It makes no sense to get advice from someone unrelated to the key genre of business. But if you’re investing a significant amount of money in an operating system, CRM, or any other software system, then you should try to find a team of custom software developers who give a damn about your business.

You can ask for 3 things,

  • Examples of how they are gonna do it
  • Ask why they want to invest time in something
  • Are they enthusiastic about sharing this goal

In a world full of “yes-men”, it is challenging to find custom software developers to understand the human side of developing software. Recognize whether they are your real collaborators. If they already showed you real-time examples of how they worked on something, then there is a chance that you have found the right person for the role.

Can They Meet Your Timeline And Budget?

What you might not realize is that 1 in 6 IT projects will have a 200% cost overrun. No one can afford that. Ask detailed questions about their process. Before that, you need to do a little research on custom software development before agreeing.

Ask the process type such as agile, scrum, or waterfall, and ask further questions when they start explaining your project and their time. You might start to get ideas about what custom software application development approach works for you.

  • Do they have case studies of similar projects?
  • Have they worked in the same industry?
  • What are the steps to be taken if a project goes over time and budget?

What Do Their Customers Say?

Just reading the reviews is not enough when choosing to buy something. But it is crucial you corroborate reviews across multiple sources and see which custom software development company has the best reputation. Just a simple “Google” search doesn’t always cut it. You need to get detailed testimonials that can bring the truth that you have unheard of. If your final decision is based on price, then it is a good chance you will regret it.

You can get a glimpse of their capabilities by their processes and methodologies. Once you understand them all, you can present your concerns and needs later.

Now you have a team, we need to check what makes a good custom application project.

Understand Your Needs On The Required Custom Software Development

This will make sure every contributor to your organization is on the same page. Listing down the agendas can align with the project goals. When developing, the goals can be getting as much functionality as the team’s target instead of generalizing to specific design teams.

  • Making a specific list of software requirements and aligning the same goals with your chosen software vendor can help
  • Once developed, what are the other integrations required?
  • Who is gonna have full ownership of the code?
  • How can the responsibilities be split among the chosen team?
  • Is the schedule realistic and reasonable?
  • Any hidden fees or licensing fees?
  • Will they make it scalable?
  • Can others understand the project when delegated or reassigned?
  • Do the custom software developers have clear documentation of everything?

Version All The Releases

Your solution/product doesn’t have to be one full version at a stretch. You can keep creating features and functionality that expand your vision. Release the first version, and add the missing things/ extra features in the later version.

Giving it a break and seeing how the first/previous works, is a bonus as you get to see what you want and what you don’t want. This is also a better solution than longer setbacks and increased timelines without seeing ROI. You can evaluate the software’s key features/factors like securities and other complexities.

Documenting everything on the way and for every version is easier when the internal and external teams change. For example, you can categorize the requirement documents, version documents, stakeholder requirements, client requirements, and general regulatory requirements for all the versions.

End-to-End Software Project Plan

Every company has varied custom software development steps that vary from the company’s industry. Each step should fulfill the project’s major goals and track them along the way. Ideally, a software project will have 5 stages – Planning, Design, Development, Testing, and Deployment. You can add or remove stages as per your requirement.

  • Planning – All stakeholders identify the problems, objectives, timeline, budget, and scope of the software application. This will align everyone to the business or project goals.
  • Design and Prototype – Schedule a meeting, discuss, assign roles and responsibilities to each team and individual, and design the “first” clickable prototype.
  • Development – By this time, the team will have an idea of what is required from both software and hardware requirements. Develop the software and with the prototype approval, developers proceed to develop the final version.
  • Testing – Apart from regular software bugs, we also need to check KPIs, quality assurance, legal checks, and future version requirements.
  • Deployment – This is where migration and deployment on the respective platforms take place. This will be followed by maintenance, user training, and the versionalizing of the product.

You probably should be well on your own after all this. If you want to know what happens at Zaigo Infotech, our process and team look like this,

Software development Project Plan | Zaigo Infotech

With the modernization of custom software development, you can always start with an expert in each team. It may be overwhelming, but setting up a team won’t automatically fix the project management process. We should constantly engage with the team.

To make them motivated throughout the custom software product development process, it is necessary to continue appraisal and discussions and be open to criticism to make them feel valued and motivated.

Always be ready to try something new with your team. If you have plans to hire offshore custom development services, we have one solution for you.

Work together with Zaigo Infotech!

Does it still paralyze you on where to start? It may be overwhelming for you to pick the right choice from a giant stack of your choice. Wander no more! We at Zaigo Infotech have been in this industry for many years. We can strategize and work together on the challenges of your IT solutions.

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9th floor (9A & 9B) Sapna Trade Centre, 135, Old 109, Poonamallee High Rd, Egmore, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600084.

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170 Post Rd #211, Fairfield, CT 06824, USA.