How to Optimize Your Website Development Cost?

Everything lands in your budget you have, when you go big, isn’t it? In a world full of possibilities, website development cost optimization for your new site is vital. Based on your needs, every website development company will have its own pricing package.

Many are left confused with the difference between “cutting costs” vs “optimization” when you start setting out a plan for a new website. Cutting costs is a one-time decision that primarily aims to reduce your budget (with another cost-effective solution). Website development cost optimization is a long-term and proactive approach observed at every step to maximize your business value.

Here are some tips to optimize the web development cost while building a new website:

Make the Best Out of Existing Templates

It is one of the prime reasons why many people have their own website creation without coding knowledge. Although it isn’t versatile as a dynamic website, it is cheap or even FREE with many beautiful templates available catered to your industry.

The nicest part of using a predefined template is that you can change your design, add-ons, themes, images, and alignment whenever needed.

Lesser the No. of Web Pages, The Better

Even the most basic design/workflows will affect your website development cost. How?

Each element in a web page (such as images, content, videos, validations, and design elements) can occasionally result in an overflowing budget. It may be tempting to cram your website with a lot of pages but remember, even a secondary page with minimal design costs!

What’s smarter? Deriving your website structure in the planning stage. Your plan needs to be finalized before initiating the budget.

Cost-Cut using Royalty-Free or Stock Images

As you may know, all the images/videos on your website must be original. This is a brilliant cost-cutting method loved by budget creators yet displays a professional look with the right use of an image or a video. Of course, it is a cost-cutting way and not a “prolonged” process but still many arguably use this as “optimization”.

The most optimized way of portraying your brand is to use the real in-premise or product photos (which are expensive) instead of a polished stock photo.

But to achieve your website within your budget, you can find over 50 popular sites for free stock photography used by professionals and casual users alike. Some of these are,

  • Shutterstock
  • Unsplash
  • Pexels
  • Pixabay

Although you need to manually look into hundreds of stock images, it is well worth it.

Work on Your Website In-House

Rather than the coding aspect, it is efficient and time-saving to finish some of your content beforehand. The work is not limited to a web designer or a web developer but beyond writers or designers.

To save money, complete all your written content, videos, images, graphics, and web pages before starting your web development plan for a clear view.

Minimalistic Design and Content

You’d be surprised by the cost of using lengthy paragraphs and stuffed design elements everywhere on your website. It is rather better to make the visitors focus on your key message and CTAs than a complicated website.

Pay for immediate impact or that will reduce for prolonged use. Avoid subscribing or costs that may build up more in the future. Another pro-tip is to get a “Fixed Price Model” or a One-time Cycle basis with a clear strategic website plan.

Find A Right Pricing Model

Research a lot. List down the things you need before building your website. Who’s your target market? What are the technical implications of your goals and objectives? What are your design-driven goals?

With 1000s of options available to create a brand new website, find out which pricing strategy works best for you.

Track your Unspent Budgets and Unexpected Expenses

You simply cannot rely on the predetermined budget. Why? Website building comes with a spontaneity that might infer with your budget allocation.

It is in the best interest to maintain separate records for tracking your expenses by the following.

  • Unspent budgets – These are your future predictable expenses that will prolong until you follow the same web design.
  • Unexpected expenses – Adds up on a conditional or situational basis. It is a more spontaneous yet critical record to maintain it separately.

Summing it up, everyone goes through this phase. We always aim to optimize the cost of websites but not everyone does it well. Some may get inspired to invest more, while some may have perfectly accomplished it.

We have been there.

After all these years of discussion with our beloved clients, this topic comes up a lot. We at Zaigo Infotech, offer web development services with customized pricing website packages stretching the strategy wiser.

It is estimated that almost 80% of the world’s web applications enjoy PHP programming as it is known for reduced cost and better performance. Looking to hire PHP programmers? Zaigo Infotech is ready to work with you.

Top 7 Best Backup WordPress Plugins Compared – 2021

Losing data is the worst nightmare for any WordPress website owner! We know how much it will hurt to see your website gone in a single day. We don’t want you to be in such a situation. We know how much you love your business and customers. So, it’s always important to have WordPress backup plugins to keep your website safe.

There are tons of WordPress plugins available, but choosing the right one based on your needs may be tricky. To help you better, we cover the 7 best WordPress backup plugins in 2021 in this blog.

Before heading to the list of plugins available, it’s important to know the types of backups available to choose one for your website.

Choose the Right WordPress Backup Plugin

Generally, your WordPress hosting company will create a backup of your website. But, that’s really not enough to keep your website safe and secure. It’s always an ideal choice to have a backup of your WordPress content and files on your own. This is when backup plugins come in to picture. Below are the types of WordPress backup methods.

Database backup plugins: These plugins are only to back up your WordPress database.

Complete backup plugins: These plugins allow you back up your WordPress database and files.

Scheduled backup plugins: Using these plugins, you can schedule automatic backups.

Top 7 WordPress backup plugins – 2021

Based on your need, you can choose the best WordPress backup plugins from the list below.

  • Updraft Plus
  • Backup Buddy
  • Jetpack Backups
  • WP Time Capsule
  • BackWPup
  • Duplicator
  • BlogVault


Updraft Plus

An Overview

Updraft is the top-rated WordPress backup plugin with more than 1 million users. It allows complete, manual, and scheduled backup of website files such as databases, themes, and plugins.

Key Features

  • Allows manual and scheduled incremental backups as per your need.
  • Multiple add-ons to enhance functionality.
  • Multiple remote storage options


Backup Storage Options

Dropbox, UpdraftVault, Rackspace Cloud, Amazon S3, FTP, Google Drive, DreamObjects, Openstack Swift, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Storage, Backblaze B2, and email.

Both free and paid versions are available. The premium version starts at $72.

Backup Buddy

An Overview

BackupBuddy helps you back up your complete website with minimal time and effort. You can schedule automatic backups, store your files on the cloud and restore them when needed.

Key Features

  • Offers complete and partial backups.
  • Live backup services will automatically back up your website files.
  • 1 GB of off-site storage called BackupBuddy Stash

Backup Storage Option

Amazon S3, Dropbox, Rackspace Cloud, FTP, email, or use their automatic backup service called BackupBuddy Stash. It comes with 1GB of storage.


Both free and paid versions are available. The premium version starts at $80.

Jetpack Backups

An Overview

Jetpack Backups let you back up your website files, including databases, themes, plugins, mu-plugins, and upload directories.

Key Features

  • Live backups and daily backups
  • 30-day or unlimited backup archive based on your pack
  • Simple restoring process

Backup Storage Option

Google Drive, Dropbox, Hardrive


The pricing starts from $9 per month.

WP Time Capsule

An Overview

WP Time Capsule is an ideal choice to back up only your recent website files. Backing up and restoring files is simple and easy.

Key Features

  • Incremental backup plugin to utilize fewer resources and time
  • One-click restoring feature
  • Automatically backups file when changes occur.

Backup Storage Option

Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, Wasabi, Backblaze


The affordable premium pack starts at $49 per year. A 30-day, full-featured trial is also available.


An Overview

BackWPup is the straightforward best WordPress backup plugin available on the market. It allows you to back up your entire WordPress installation according to how frequently you update your website.

Key Features

  • Complete WordPress installation backup
  • Supports manual and scheduled backups.
  • Encrypts your files for additional security.

Backup Storage Option

Dropbox, Microsoft Azure (Blob), RackSpaceCloud, Amazon S3, FTP server, S3 services, and SugarSync.


The advanced version starts at $69 per year.


An Overview

Duplicator is one of the affordable WordPress backup plugins that lets you migrate, copy clone, or move a website across multiple locations. It backups your WordPress websites in a zip format as a single bundle for easy restoration.

Key Features

  • Helps back up websites with larger databases.
  • Automated scheduled backups.
  • Easy migration of websites.

Backup Storage Option

Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, FTP, Microsoft OneDrive, SFTP


The Pro version starts only at $39 per site, and a free vision with limited features is also available.

BlogVault Backup

An Overview

BlogVault Backup service is catering to 45,000+ websites with a 100% successful restoring rate. In addition, this backup plugin features free staging and cloud storage to backup files effectively.

Key Features

  • Intuitive restoring feature.
  • Real-time backup with malware scanning and firewall.
  • Free staging to check before you publish in live.

Backup Storage Option

BlogVault free cloud storage, Google Drive, Dropbox.


A seven-day free trial is available, and the premium version starts at $7.95 per month.

How Zaigo Infotech Helps in Developing and Backing up Your WordPress Websites?

Zaigo Infotech is a leading WordPress development Company with experienced web developers. We provide customized WordPress solutions for your business needs and trouble-free backup solutions for all WordPress websites we develop.

Based on your WordPress website, we carefully select the best WordPress backup plugins to back up your website files. So, you can concentrate on the growth of your business without worrying about data loss.

So, why wait? Get in touch with us today to build word-class WordPress websites!

8 Reasons to choose Woo-commerce for your eCommerce Store

In recent days, online stores are growing rapidly. This pandemic made many businesses go online and it helps them reach a wide range of customers increasing sales and brand awareness. If you want to start an online store, you should be aware of the eCommerce platforms. There are plenty of leading eCommerce platforms available, including Shopify, Magento, Woocommerce, and Bigcommerce. Among these, Woo-commerce is the top-rated platform preferred by many brands. This is because of its cost-effective and hassle-free features. Moreover, WordPress with woo-commerce developers is in high demand.

Let’s see the top 8 reasons to choose Woocommerce plugins for your online store and how they can help you grow your business online.

What is WooCommerce and why choose it for your eCommerce store?

WooCommerce is a customizable plugin used to transform your WordPress website into an online store in a few steps. It was launched in 2011 and more than 25% of online stores run on WooCommerce plugins. It has tons of built-in features that make it user-friendly for even newbies.

Top eCommerce stores using WordPress and WooCommerce

  • Porter & York
  • Kawaii Box
  • Gabriel Iglesias
  • French Today
  • Disruptive Youth

Top 8 Reasons to Choose WooCommerce

You may be overwhelmed with the various eCommerce platforms in the market, but Woocommerce is trusted by many online brands. Here are the 8 reasons why you should select WooCommerce.

Woo-Commerce is Budget-Friendly (Free and Premium versions available)

If you are just starting your business, pricing is an important thing to consider. WooCommerce plugins are the right choice for those who look for affordable platforms. It offers flexible and cost-effective features, plugins, and themes. The best part is that they offer free and premium versions. As a result, you can create highly efficient and responsive online stores within your budget.

Customize Your Online StoreFront

The first impression is the best! This is a fitting quote for your StoreFront. Woocommerce in WordPress lets you customize your StoreFront with attractive and sensible themes. It offers 40+ free themes that increase your website’s conversion rate. If you’re a beginner with little CSS and HTML knowledge, then Woocommerce is the best platform for your WordPress website.

Built-In Features and Advanced Plugins

WooCommerce is filled with tons of built-in features and plugins to make your WordPress website more flexible and attractive. Some features are – i) Pre-installed payment gateway to accept payments through Stripe, PayPal, and more. ii) Options to support various currencies & geolocation. iii) Easy e-store management to add/update product details and much more.

SEO-Friendly Platform

To get your website ranked in the search engine result, SEO is really important. Naturally, WordPress and WooCommerce are SEO-friendly, and it helps you increase the website traffic and help you rank in a better position in the SERP with increased organic traffic. To be precise, WooCommerce in WordPress helps you optimize your website for search engines. You get potential customers in return.

Scope for Marketing

There is no use for an online presence if you don’t market your products. WooCommerce helps you sell your products and services via multiple promotional features. For example, you can attract more customers by adding discount options, running coupon campaigns, and promoting your products on sale. In addition, plug-ins like Newsletter subscriptions, Coupon pop, Follow up emails, and more are available.

Easy Inventory Management

Using the built-in inventory management features, you can identify and track stock levels. Moreover, WooCommerce has an automated service for hiding out-of-stock products from the dashboard. And, it is easy to manage refunds, orders, emails, and stocks all in one place.

Built-In Analytics

WooCommerce comes with built-in analytics to assess the performance of your website in terms of revenue, marketing, conversion rates, and more. The analytical reports are intuitive and presented in graphs to get a clear picture of how customers interact with the store.

Strong Cybersecurity

Security plays a vital role in online stores, where thousands of transactions and payments happen daily. WooCommerce offers the utmost security and protection to your website.

Want to build a WordPress website with WooCommerce? – Reach Zaigo Infotech

Zaigo Infotech is a leading software product development company providing solutions for businesses using cutting-edge technologies. We have catered software needs of many companies with 100% customer satisfaction so far. We are here to assist with your web and mobile application requirements.

As a renowned website design and development company, we have a pool of WordPress developers with real-time experience. Hire WooCommerce developers and let them build reliable and flexible online stores for you.

Starting your online store is just one click away. Contact us today to hire WooCommerce developers!

Best tips to hire Full Stack Developers for your Web Development Project in 2021

What’s better than hiring versatile developers for your web development project?

When saying versatile developers, every company’s first choice would be full-stack developers because these developers are well-equipped in both frontend and backend web development. Hire full-stack developers, and they will be an asset to any web development.

Are you planning to hire remote developers for your web development project? Here’s a complete guide with tips to hire dedicated developers in 2021.

Let’s start with what full-stack development is, what full-stack developers do. Also, how they add value to your remote team.

What is full-stack development and developers?

To understand the role of full-stack developers better, we must first know the layers in web applications. There are three different layers in web development:

  • Presentation layer
  • Application Layer
  • Data layer.

Frontend development – It involves the development of a Presentation layer where users interact.

Backend development – It involves the development of the Application layer and the Data layer that handles business logic and data, respectively.

Precisely, full-stack developers are techies who can handle both frontend and backend development. Both combine to form a Full Stack Technology. In addition, these top off-shore developers are well-versed in many coding languages so, they can build scalable and flexible web applications.

When you hire full stack developers, you don’t need a separate team for web development. They will take care of every aspect of web development. This leads to cost-cutting as well as improves the quality of work.

Top Full Stack Technologies

Considering this pandemic, hiring remote developers is the best choice. However, to hire dedicated developers, you must know the skillsets your developers should possess. Every full stack developer should be well-versed in one of the following Full Stack Technologies.

Here’s the list of top tech stacks:


The MEAN stack consists of JavaScript technologies for both the front end and back end. And, the underlying programs are free and open-source. This technology helps dedicated developers to build scalable web applications. MEAN consists of the following:

  • MongoDB is a NoSQL database
  • Express.js for backend frameworks
  • Angular.js for front-end frameworks
  • NodeJS is an open-source & cross-platform server

Many remote developers specialized in this technology are available to hire at affordable prices.


The LAMP developers are also referred to as PHP developers. This stack model is used to develop scalable web applications on LINUX operating system. LAMP stands for the following:

  • Linux
  • Apache
  • MySQL
  • PHP

Hire full stack developers having technical expertise in this model.

Technical Languages for Full Stack Developers

As we mentioned earlier, full stack developers should have hands-on experience in both front-end and back-end development. They are the dedicated developers to write codes for both front and back end in different computer languages. The below section explains the languages that should be known by remote developers you recruit.

Front-end (client-side) languages

The client-side involves the User Interface part of the web application. The codes used for this development are JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. These programming languages play a vital role in the look and feel of the web application. Therefore, make sure you hire remote developers with technical expertise in these languages.

Back-end (server-side) languages

The server-side involves the back-end process, which is the functional part of the web application. The coding languages used for this development are Python, C#, .NET, PHP, Java, Ruby, and more. Among these programming languages, PHP has more benefits. Hire PHP developers for your next project as it is open-source and offers increased productivity. Zaigo Infotech has a team of experienced PHP developers to develop your dream project..

Top 5 Benefits in hiring remote full-stack developers

There are plenty of advantages in hiring full-stack developers. Here are the top 5 benefits.

  • Knowledge of both front-end and backend development
  • Ability to develop Minimum Viable Product
  • Cost-effective
  • Timely delivery of products
  • Can work independently

When should you hire remote full stack developers?

It is usually a better idea to hire dedicated developers for full stack technology. So, here are the situations when you should hire remote full-stack developers.

When you’re starting a web application project from scratch – Full stack developers are an asset in the initial stage of web development. They are well-versed in strategizing and building the right solution.

When you have less budget – If you hire remote developers, you can reduce the cost. Moreover, full stack developers can manage the whole developmental process with less supervision. As a result, they can excellently build Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

When you look for top off-shore developers – You have the freedom to hire remote web developers from different parts of the world. There are millions of off-shore developers to choose from, and you can easily hire one at reasonable compensation.

How to hire remote full-stack developers?

You need the right people around to take your business to the next level. Therefore, follow the proper steps to hire web developers. Below is the checklist to hire dedicated remote developers.

  • Define your requirements and be clear in what you want to build.
  • Conduct structured interviews to assess technical expertise.
  • Check if your hires can fit your culture.
  • Ability to work with team members.
  • Ability to deal with uncertainty.

How Zaigo Infotech help you with remote full stack developers?

Better teams develop better solutions! Unfortunately, finding top web developers is often a complicated process, and running behind every candidate will make you tired.

When Zaigo Infotech is here to assist you, why should you search anywhere else? We are a leading web application development company building scalable applications. Our hiring process is well-structured, and we have formed a word-class remote web developers team. Our full-stack developers have hands-on experience in a variety of Full Stack Technologies. So hire our full stack developers and let us develop your dream applications!

At Zaigo Infotech, we believe in quality over everything. That’s why we have many returning customers—quality and commitment towards what we do make us the best app development company.

Why wait? Connect with us today to get started with your web application project!

Joomla vs WordPress | Which One Is Best For Your Site?

Are you confused about which CMS to choose for your website between Joomla Vs WordPress? No more worries! We will help you figure out the best fit for your website. In this blog, we have compared the features of WordPress and Joomla in detail. This will help you understand the features better and let you choose the best CMS for your website.

Let’s start with the gist of CMS and then move to Joomla Vs WordPress.

What is a Content Management System (CMS)?

A Content Management System (CMS) is a complete system used to create, manage, and modify content on a website. In other words, it is a bundle of technologies needed for developing websites without the need to write codes from scratch.

There are thousands of CMSs available, but the top CMSs are WordPress and Joomla. Here’s
how you basically get started with these CMSs.

To get started with WordPress, you need to follow these steps:

  • Select the web hosting company and create an account in it.
  • When registering, make sure you select the option to install WordPress automatically
    on the account you created.
  • After the hosting setup, you need to log in to WordPress.
  • Next, configure your site, and then you are good to use themes, plug-ins, and much

Note: When you choose Joomla as your CMS, you have to configure Joomla on your own,
even if the hosting company supports it.

This article compares the top 4 features of these CMSs.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO-friendly)
  • Plugins and Extensions
  • Security
  • Blog System

Search Engine Optimization (SEO-friendly)

SEO is a major aspect when choosing the CMS for the website because we need to rank our website in the search engine results. Both Joomla and WordPress require plugins to make websites SEO-friendly.

WordPress – It requires the Yoast SEO plugin to make your WordPress website SEO-friendly. With that, you can quickly fulfill the SEO aspects of your website.

Joomla – Joomla requires SEO plugins such as Easy Front End SEO and JCH Optimize. But, the features of these plugins are less effective than WordPress plugins.

Conclusion – In SEO aspects, both CMS require plugins. So, we need to compare the effectiveness of the plugins here. Yoast SEO plugin is the winner, so WordPress is more SEO-friendly.

Plugins and Extensions

Plugins and extensions play a significant role in increasing the usability of the website. Let’s see how many plugins are available in each CMS.

WordPress – There are more than 54,000 free plugins in the WordPress plugin directory, along with 1000+ premium plugins.

Joomla – You can find around 8000 free Joomla extensions in its directory.

Conclusion – Comparing the number of plugins available, WordPress is the winner without a second thought.


You should always consider the security level of CMSs before you pick one for your website. Plugins decide the security standard of the Content Management System (CMS).

WordPress – WordPress does not establish an automatic Security Socket Level connection on the dashboard. Therefore, you need to enable it manually or activate the 2-factor authentication process. This makes the website less secure, and its security features majorly depend on plugins. But, WordPress backup plugins add value to security.

Joomla – Joomla establishes force connection over Security Socket Level (SSL). Also, it activates the Two-Factor authentication automatically. Many security and backup plugins are also available.

Conclusion – Considering the security level of Joomla Vs  WordPress, Joomla wins clearly. However, WordPress backup plugins help you download a copy of the website to secure it.

Blog System

For every website, blogging is essential to reach a wide range of audiences. The CMS you choose should let you create a blog quickly.

WordPress WordPress is ideally a blogging system. So, if you want a user-friendly blogging system for your website, WordPress is the right choice. In addition, it is simple and easy to start a blog on WordPress websites.

Joomla – It requires more effort to build a blogging system on Joomla websites. Because of the complexity and coding knowledge necessary for development.

Conclusion – WordPress is the best CMS for blogging systems. You can create pages, blogs, and pages in a few simple clicks.

Final Thoughts on Joomla vs WordPress

We cannot say Joomla is better than WordPress or vice versa because every CMS comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, based on your needs, you should go with the CMS that suits you better.

Still not sure which one to choose? Don’t worry! Techies from Zaigo Infotech can assist you. Our web developers are well-versed in WordPress frameworks and Joomla. We help you choose the best CMS for your website based on your requirement. The best part is that we use cutting-edge technologies to provide customized solutions to organizations ranging from startups to Enterprises.

Reach us with your web development requirements today. And hire our WordPress developers to build a fully functional website par excellence.

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