Highly Potent Software Development Customer Engagement Model

Creative consulting engagement models in software development

Choosing the right software development client engagement model is the first step in the customer success journey. Clients and their service providers must agree on an optimal IT consulting engagement model based on the project size, length, concept, and strategy. Software client engagement models outline all the specifics of a collaboration between a client and a provider during the development of a project. Zaigo Infotech is happy to assist with any endeavor, regardless of the software development client engagement model our clients pick. Our development team has all of the necessary skills to complete a project on time and on budget. We choose the right tools, frameworks, and programming languages for your product development without being confined to one or two possibilities due to the significant expertise we possess across a wide range of technologies. We regard our clients as partners and go above and beyond to deliver a comprehensive solution that meets and exceeds project goals.

Women employee team discussion

Types of Software Development Client Engagement Models

While engagement models in software development decide the way specialists are involved in the project, their areas of responsibility, payment terms, timetables, management concerns, and much more, there is no multipurpose approach that will suit any project and meet all customer requests. Instead, the option is based on the project's details and the client's software development partnership preferences.


If you have a project that requires qualified software engineers or quality assurance specialists or you need to locate project manager for your project idea, then the retainer model works best, especially because client demands are meticulously clarified and resources with demonstrated experience are provided in the required domain, technology or sector. Retainer stands out among the other IT engagement models in software development for client-provided personnel management.

Team Planning
Employee planning for success

Fixed Bid

Contracts with fixed bids have very stringent terms and conditions. They're based on a specific estimate of what has to be done, exact project timelines, and budgets that have already been set. So, as the name of the client engagement model suggests, a software development outsourcer will commit to supplying a set of services within the agreed-upon bid billing if consumers announce a specific price (or at least a price range). In the fixed bid pricing model, the project scope, which includes well-specified customer requirements, and the price are both determined at the start and remain constant throughout the project lifecycle.

Time and Material (T&M)

Instead of making an informed prediction, the T&M engagement model in software development considers all of the variables that affect a project, such as changing needs, updates, and potential dangers. That's why, while the fixed price model still has its benefits, most software companies contemporarily choose the time and material pricing model. However, in a T&M contract, the outsourcer must be able to anticipate the number of working hours required for a project and provide hourly rates against the overall cost of software development.

Dedicated Team

The dedicated team model (DTM) is more concerned with how resources will be linked to you. DTM is one of the types of engagement models in software development that work best with a fixed-price or time-and-materials project. As a result, having a dedicated crew gives you the full range of options for operating the show.

It implies you can either entirely outsource or hire a team to work on your project. Business analysts, designers, front-end developers, back-end coders, full-stack programmers, QA, and a variety of other resources could be included. Similarly, you can hire resources based on your needs.

Desicated team dicussion

Advantages of Engagement Models

The need for great software development is being bolstered by the stiff market competition that is becoming increasingly fierce. More than ever, companies must perfect the specifications and features of their software development to the best of their abilities in order to align with the company’s idea. A software client engagement model is one of the most crucial areas of software development where businesses must exercise extreme caution. Today's most popular software development consulting engagement models include outsourcing and even freelancing while also leveraging in-house talent.

Increased sales icon
Increased sales

It doesn’t end with just deploying the product, there will always be a certain way you can improve your business. Having a proper engagement model can allow you to add value to the solution as you go.

Transparency icon

Customers and clients will no longer comply with unorganized and inaccurate data. They expect organizational transparency and it is becoming straight relevant to customer disengagement.

Ease Management Icon
Ease Management

Oftentimes there are a lot of specific unknown troubles that a consumer faces. With the right engagement model, you can identify, build rapport, and keep adding value instead of delaying problems.

Technology Partner

Customers are not all the same. That is why we assist our technology partners in extending their operations and services in ways that are unique to them. We collaborate with you to help attain your objectives, regardless of industry, use case, or implementation. Partner with Zaigo Infotech to broaden your team's capabilities, expand your pipeline, and establish yourself as a trusted advisor to your customers. Our professional team can provide you with the right kind of technology and tools to help you grow your business. As official technology partners, Zaigo Infotech broadens your team's experience as you take advantage of our comprehensive go-to-market programs. Heighten product value through technology integrations that boost innovation and create seamless experiences that minimize frictions during cloud deployment.

Offshore Software Development

It can be quite challenging to find local talent or a reputed agency in your area to complete the software development duties you require at a reasonable cost. It's a typical issue, which is why many businesses choose to establish a dedicated remote workforce with their preferred engagement models in software development. There are several advantages if your business chooses offshore software development. When you engage an offshore development team, your organization can be scaled as needed. The team can assist you in determining which technologies to invest in, how to stay competitive, and how to improve your marketing and client engagement models. And, because this is YOUR offshore programming team, not just freelancers – we will make ourselves available to help you with anything you require at any time.

Client Case Study

Case Study

Online food delivery app for foodies - Foodie

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Frequently Asked Questions

It is a bit overwhelming for the client to choose the exact Software engagement model that is suitable for them. Here is where Zaigo Infotech comes to your rescue.We help you understand the types of software engagement models and their uses, and then we go ahead and choose the one that suits you and your requirements the best.

We at Zaigo Infotech assist you right from our discovery.Call and help you choose the right engagement model that works the best for you.

While there are a lot of companies that provide software development services, we at Zaigo Infotech can assure you that:

We provide end-to-end software solutions for all your needs. We stand beside you throughout the entire process and help you with it. We ensure to work under a budget (if you have any) and not compromise on quality. Quality is everything, and we do not compromise it for anything.

We provide software solutions for all kinds of companies, be it big or small scale. We provide customized solutions for your specific problems or requirements.We understand that growth is a process, and hence we provide software solutions that can be improvised and updated with time and requirements.

While we would love to answer that question, unfortunately, we won't be able to answer it without knowing some basic details about your project. There are a lot of different types of engagement models, and there are no one size fits. So for us to be able to tell what engagement model suits your project, we need to know some info like:

Long/short-term project: is your project a long-term or a short-term project?

Flexibility: Do you require a lot of flexibility in your project, or do you want a fixed set of modules?

Time: Do you have a strict timeline?

Team: Do you require a dedicated team for your project? etc..,

A lot of factors like these affect the type of Engagement model that is suitable for you.

The fixed-price model is the one that is suitable for you if you are looking for an Engagement model that costs you less.With the fixed price model, you can set a specific budget even before getting started, and the team sticks with the budget you provide them. This gives an overview of how much it is going to cost, and you can be prepared for it.

In other Engagement models, you may not be able to predict the accurate cost beforehand, which might be good if you are looking for an engagement model under a budget.Do fix a good budget and let us know, and we can take it forward from there.To contact us, You can email or call us and book a discovery call to get started,

No, You do not have to be tech-savvy to work with us. We take up the tech-related things for you, and we help you with quality services with timely delivery.All we require is some information about all the things that you would require on a product and any customizations that you are looking for. Other than that, we are ready to take up the project from there and provide you with good quality results and timely delivery.

We understand that not everyone can or has to be a tech-savvy, and it is absolutely fine. We are tech-savvy ourselves with a team of 60+ members, and we can help you in and out through the project by providing you with the details of everything that you need to know.Some clients do want to be involved in the projects even if they are not tech-savvy, and we understand where they are coming from. To make it easier for them, we keep them in the loop for all the updates and reports so that they never miss out on anything.

Industries We Serve

If you have a project that requires qualified software engineers or quality assurance specialists or you need to locate project manager for your project idea, then the retainer model works best, especially because client demands are meticulously clarified and resources with demonstrated experience are provided in the required domain, technology or sector. Retainer stands out among the other IT engagement models in software development for client-provided personnel management.

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Zaigo Infotech Software Solutions Pvt Ltd

9th floor (9A & 9B) Sapna Trade Centre, 135, Old 109, Poonamallee High Rd, Egmore, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600084.

United States

170 Post Rd #211, Fairfield, CT 06824, USA.