Software Product Assessment Services for Guaranteed Business Growth

Creating successful software products is more than just writing code. It requires a comprehensive software evaluation process that includes testing, quality assurance, usability, performance, compatibility, and security. That's where software product assessment and strategy come in.

By analysing design, code, functionality, and performance, software companies can identify any issues or weaknesses in their product and develop a solid plan to address them. With a solid strategy in place, software companies can increase their chances of success and improve their return on investment.

So, if you want to develop a software product, don't just write code and hope for the best. Partner with us - we are a product development company with more than a decade of experience. We will not just create a successful product development strategy for your company, but we will also ensure your product stands out from the competition and meets your business goals.

Software Product Assessment & Strategy–A Must For Product Success

As a business owner or manager, you understand the importance of ensuring that your software applications are working efficiently and effectively. However, it can be challenging to determine the exact issues that are impacting your software's performance and how to address them. That's where a software assessment comes in.

Zaigo Infotech we are one of the leading product development company in India and we excel in software product development strategy. Our expert software product assessment and strategy team does a comprehensive review of your software application's design, code, architecture, and performance. We identify issues and vulnerabilities that may be impacting your software's performance, security, and reliability. By performing a software assessment, you can gain a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of your application and develop a plan to address any issues that are identified.

Our Software Product Assessment & Strategy Capabilities

As a product development company, we have partnered with global brands across industries in their software product assessment and developing winning product development strategies. From source code review, testing of the application's functionality, and evaluation of the user interface–we ensure everything is perfect.

Security Audit

Assessing software security features, vulnerabilities, and risks. It includes code and architecture review, network security, authentication, data storage, and encryption

Written Communication
Mobile Communication

Performance Audit

Checking software application's speed, scalability, and resource usage. It uncovers performance issues and offers recommendations for improvement, including load testing and benchmarking under varying conditions.

Usability Audit

Assessing a software application's user interface and experience. It evaluates the ease of use, clarity of instructions, and design consistency. User testing and surveys identify areas of improvement for an enhanced user experience.

Video communication
Mobile Communication

Compatibility Testing

Checks if a software application works on various operating systems, devices, and web browsers. We test on multiple platforms to identify any compatibility issues, including functional and performance testing, and user testing.

Compliance Audit

Evaluates if a software application complies with legal, regulatory, and industry standards. We scrutinise data privacy, security features, adherence to standards like HIPAA, and regulations like GDPR.

Video communication

Our Approach

We are a world-class product development company and our comprehensive process in the primary reason why we deliver exceptional quality with every project. We ensure that your product is aligned with your business goals and is a sure-shot success when launched.


Defining the project's goals and objectives, identifying stakeholders, and determining the scope of the assessment.


Mapping out the evaluation process, identifying evaluation criteria, and allocating resources necessary to carry out the assessment successfully.


Software evaluation based on established criteria to ensure that it meets the desired standards for quality, functionality, and performance.


Compiling a comprehensive report, which includes findings, recommendations, and action plans to address identified issues and improve the software's overall quality.

Benefits Of Our Software Product Assessment Services

The benefits of our software assessment and product development strategy services are numerous. By leveraging software assessment services, businesses can ensure that their software applications meet the necessary quality and performance standards, comply with industry-specific regulations and requirements, and provide a superior experience for their users. Some of the key benefits are:

Improved software quality: Software assessment services can help identify defects, bugs, and coding errors that may compromise the quality of the software.

Enhanced security: Security assessments can help identify vulnerabilities and potential threats to the software application, resulting in a more secure application that is less susceptible to attacks and breaches.

Robust performance:Performance assessments can help identify bottlenecks and areas of inefficiency in the software application, resulting in a faster and more responsive application.

Enriched user experience:Usability assessments can help identify areas of the software application that may be confusing or difficult for users, resulting in a more intuitive and user-friendly application.

Increased compatibility:Compatibility assessments can help ensure that the software application is compatible with various operating systems, browsers, and devices, resulting in improved user satisfaction.

Reduced costs and risks: By identifying and addressing issues in the software application, software assessment services can help reduce the costs and risks associated with software development and maintenance.

Product Line Assessment Process

Zaigo’s Product line assessment and strategy consultants analyse our client's existing product line, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, and develop a plan to improve and expand the product line to better meet our customer's needs and achieve business goals.

The advantages of our product line assessment and strategy include:

Increased profitability: By identifying and addressing gaps in the product line, companies can increase their revenue and profitability by expanding their offerings to meet customer needs.

Competitive advantage: By developing a product line strategy that effectively positions the company's products in the market, companies can improve their competitiveness and gain market share.

Enhanced customer satisfaction: By introducing new and improved products that better meet customer needs, companies can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Greater efficiency: By optimising the product line and focusing resources on the most profitable and strategically important products, companies can improve their operational efficiency and reduce costs.

Better decision-making: By regularly assessing the product line and adjusting the product line strategy as needed, companies can make more informed and effective decisions about product development and marketing.

Overall, a product line assessment and strategy is an important process that can help companies optimise their product offerings, improve their competitiveness, and achieve long-term growth and profitability.

Product Line Assessment Process
Business strategy

The assessment of software products’ alignment with the business strategy


Implementing recommendations, improving the software's quality, and delivering a final product that meets the client's requirements and aligns with their business goals.

Targeting and innovation

Targeting and innovation involve identifying needs, exploring new tech and trends, and creating unique products to meet customer demands and stay ahead.

Production & product management

Overseeing the development process, managing resources, tracking progress, and ensuring the software product meets quality standards and business goals.

Why Choose Zaigo For Your Software Product Assessment

Committed To Quality

We're committed to delivering high-quality, client-centric services that are tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Client-Centric Approach

Our client-centric approach to Software Product Assessment prioritises our client's needs, providing personalised solutions that align with their business goals and challenges, and pain points. Our team of experts provides personalised solutions that meet the unique needs of each client.

Expertise In Software

Creating a successful product line strategy is a complex process that requires expertise and experience in software development, marketing, and sales. That's where our team of consultants comes in. With over a decade of experience, we ensure that your product journey is a 100% success.

Flexible and Customizable Services

We offer flexible and customizable Software Product Assessment services to meet your specific needs. Our experts provide tailored solutions that identify areas of improvement and recommend effective strategies to enhance software quality and align with business goals.

Competitive Pricing

Our competitive pricing and flexible, customizable services make it easy to work with us, and we're committed to delivering results that exceed your expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Software Product Assessment can help you identify potential issues before they become bigger problems, leading to increased customer satisfaction, improved product quality, and a better return on investment. It also ensures that your software product aligns with your business goals and meets industry standards and regulations.

At Zaigo Infotech, we offer a range of Software Product Assessment services, including security audits, performance testing, usability audits, compatibility testing, and compliance audits. We also provide customised solutions to meet your specific needs.

We work closely with our clients to understand their business goals and needs and recommend the most appropriate assessment services based on their requirements. Our team of experts can help you identify the areas that need improvement and develop a comprehensive assessment plan.

Industries We Serve

We are actively transforming a lot of industries contributing to their business, growth, and competitive advantages. Our IT experts have extended knowledge, skills, and expertise in handling stringent processes and decision stages to help you grow. We offer tailor-made IT solutions for any category of your business meeting the current technology needs of your particular industry. Our experts can align any shape and size of your business from small, mid, and multinational enterprises providing cutting-edge solutions to all our clients.

Call Us

+91 9884783216

United States

+1 904-672-8617


+91 9884783216


Zaigo Infotech Software Solutions Pvt Ltd

9th floor (9A & 9B) Sapna Trade Centre, 135, Old 109, Poonamallee High Rd, Egmore, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600084.

United States

170 Post Rd #211, Fairfield, CT 06824, USA.