A Complete Step-By-Step Guide To Hire Remote Web Developers For Web Application Development

Choosing the right candidate is halfway to success!

This is a fitting quote for remote hiring. In recent days, remote hiring has become the new normal among many software companies. Covid-19 may be one of the reasons for surging remote hiring in various streams. However, this is the cost-effective and efficient way to build a firm development team of all time. If you’re hiring remote developers, follow our best practices and recruit a top-notch remote development team.

Before we dive into best practices, know the benefits of hiring remote web developers.

Top 4 Proven Benefits Of Hiring Remote Web Developers

Here are some reasons why you should hire remote web developers for your project.

  • Cost-effective with increased productivity
  • Better Engagement
  • The pool of developers with higher technical expertise
  • Expanded Market Reach

Cost-effective With Increased Productivity

Remote developers are an ideal choice for one-time projects and limited-budget projects. Apart from cost-cutting, it improves the quality of work. A remote working environment allows developers to work with fewer distractions than compared to regular employees.

Better Engagement

Compared to in-house developers, remote web developers communicate better. They always feel connected and engaged with other team members. This is because they have more freedom and time to collaborate with web development teams.

Pool Of Developers With Higher Technical Expertise

There are thousands of remote developers available around the globe. So, it is easy to find the right talents within your budget. Hire remote web developers and save thousands of dollars without compromising on quality and productivity.

Expanded Market Reach

When you go beyond boundaries to hire remote web app developers, you are expanding your business into a new market. Your remote developers can be evangelists for your web applications. This helps in promoting your products to a new set of prospects.

Top 5 Things To Be Considered While Hiring Remote Developers

When you hire remote web developers, follow the process that suits your needs. Streamlined processes will definitely reduce the complexity. Also, it increases the efficiency of your business in recruiting web application developers.

Here are the 5 top things to consider when you hire remote web developers:

Set Your Requirements Clearly

Set requirements before you hire remote web developers to pick the right resource. Define the skill sets you look for in web developers based on the web applications you want to build. Skill sets include coding languages, total years of experience, management skills, and communication skills.

Proper Remote Screening Process in Place

Your recruiting team plays a vital role in hiring remote web developers. Before you start, have a word with your recruitment team about your requirements. Convey your project goal, budget, and skill sets you expect from the developers. It helps the HR team/outsourcing team to find the right individuals by evaluating their capabilities.

Improvised Communication and Collaboration

The most important thing to be considered while working with remote developers is communication. The lack of communication will end up in hassle. Streamline the communication between your in-house team and the remote web development team. Use an effective and professional channel to communicate and collaborate with remote teams. Make sure you convey project specifications and deadlines through well-structured email. Also, have periodic team meetings over online collaboration tools, such as Zoom or Google Meet to maintain better relationships among teams.

Implement the Right Web Application Development Model

Remote web developers can work on their own schedule and development approach. But they should follow some procedures to stick to your company culture. As a software company hiring web application developers, explain the approach you follow within teams. This will eventually increase profitability, efficiency, and productivity. Also, keep room for your remote developers to come up with new ideas and approaches.

Ensure Integrity and Data Security

Integrity and data security are key part of remote working. These can be ensured when you hire remote developers through trustworthy outsourcing organizations like Zaigo Infotech. They guarantee data security, firewall management, network security, and endpoint security. Therefore, you can have peace of mind while remote developers work for you.

5-Step Process To Hire Remote Developers That Fit Your Bill

Follow this step-by-step process to recruit the right remote developers.

Step 1: Gather Requirements

Requirement gathering is the first step in hiring developers. Draft a detailed job description of remote web developers by including the project description, skills you look for, experience, and desired workflow.

Step 2: Organize the Screening Process

The screening process is the most challenging task when you hire remote web developers. But, if you know what and how you should conduct the hiring process, you don’t have to worry much. First, filter out resumes received from remote developers. Next, arrange 3-4 rounds of online interviews to assess their background, tech skills, English proficiency, and soft skills.

Step 3: Onboard the Right Talents

Upon successful completion of the interview process, onboard the recruits. And, let them work under in-house senior professionals. By doing so, remote web developers can easily adapt to the new culture.

Step 4: In-house Training

To understand the web application development process better, provide in-house training for at least 2 weeks. This will help them function according to your workflow. Also, it eliminates the pain of rework.

Step 5: Putting Remote Developers in Live Project

After the successful completion of the training, let your web developers work independently on the project. Make sure you keep in touch with them periodically to ensure the workflow.

Final Thoughts

Hiring remote web developers is really a burden to any organization, especially if you’re new to the business. However, if you have chosen the right software company to hire web developers, you can easily complete your project within the deadline.

Want to hire remote developers with technical expertise? Zaigo Infotech is here! We are a leading web application development company that fulfills your business requirements. We have a crew of top-notch remote developers to transform your ideas into reality. Hire the best
web developers from Zaigo Infotech based on your web development needs.

At Zaigo Infotech, we follow the 5-step process to hire remote developers. So, you don’t have to worry about your project as we treat your business like ours. We have more than 200 clients with 100% customer satisfaction and successfully completed 500+ projects at affordable prices. Whether you’re a startup, entrepreneur, or well-established company, ZaigoInfotech has solutions for businesses of all sizes.

Get in touch with us today to begin your web application development journey!


Best tips to hire Full Stack Developers for your Web Development Project in 2021

What’s better than hiring versatile developers for your web development project?

When saying versatile developers, every company’s first choice would be full-stack developers because these developers are well-equipped in both frontend and backend web development. Hire full-stack developers, and they will be an asset to any web development.

Are you planning to hire remote developers for your web development project? Here’s a complete guide with tips to hire dedicated developers in 2021.

Let’s start with what full-stack development is, what full-stack developers do. Also, how they add value to your remote team.

What is full-stack development and developers?

To understand the role of full-stack developers better, we must first know the layers in web applications. There are three different layers in web development:

  • Presentation layer
  • Application Layer
  • Data layer.

Frontend development – It involves the development of a Presentation layer where users interact.

Backend development – It involves the development of the Application layer and the Data layer that handles business logic and data, respectively.

Precisely, full-stack developers are techies who can handle both frontend and backend development. Both combine to form a Full Stack Technology. In addition, these top off-shore developers are well-versed in many coding languages so, they can build scalable and flexible web applications.

When you hire full stack developers, you don’t need a separate team for web development. They will take care of every aspect of web development. This leads to cost-cutting as well as improves the quality of work.

Top Full Stack Technologies

Considering this pandemic, hiring remote developers is the best choice. However, to hire dedicated developers, you must know the skillsets your developers should possess. Every full stack developer should be well-versed in one of the following Full Stack Technologies.

Here’s the list of top tech stacks:


The MEAN stack consists of JavaScript technologies for both the front end and back end. And, the underlying programs are free and open-source. This technology helps dedicated developers to build scalable web applications. MEAN consists of the following:

  • MongoDB is a NoSQL database
  • Express.js for backend frameworks
  • Angular.js for front-end frameworks
  • NodeJS is an open-source & cross-platform server

Many remote developers specialized in this technology are available to hire at affordable prices.


The LAMP developers are also referred to as PHP developers. This stack model is used to develop scalable web applications on LINUX operating system. LAMP stands for the following:

  • Linux
  • Apache
  • MySQL
  • PHP

Hire full stack developers having technical expertise in this model.

Technical Languages for Full Stack Developers

As we mentioned earlier, full stack developers should have hands-on experience in both front-end and back-end development. They are the dedicated developers to write codes for both front and back end in different computer languages. The below section explains the languages that should be known by remote developers you recruit.

Front-end (client-side) languages

The client-side involves the User Interface part of the web application. The codes used for this development are JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. These programming languages play a vital role in the look and feel of the web application. Therefore, make sure you hire remote developers with technical expertise in these languages.

Back-end (server-side) languages

The server-side involves the back-end process, which is the functional part of the web application. The coding languages used for this development are Python, C#, .NET, PHP, Java, Ruby, and more. Among these programming languages, PHP has more benefits. Hire PHP developers for your next project as it is open-source and offers increased productivity. Zaigo Infotech has a team of experienced PHP developers to develop your dream project..

Top 5 Benefits in hiring remote full-stack developers

There are plenty of advantages in hiring full-stack developers. Here are the top 5 benefits.

  • Knowledge of both front-end and backend development
  • Ability to develop Minimum Viable Product
  • Cost-effective
  • Timely delivery of products
  • Can work independently

When should you hire remote full stack developers?

It is usually a better idea to hire dedicated developers for full stack technology. So, here are the situations when you should hire remote full-stack developers.

When you’re starting a web application project from scratch – Full stack developers are an asset in the initial stage of web development. They are well-versed in strategizing and building the right solution.

When you have less budget – If you hire remote developers, you can reduce the cost. Moreover, full stack developers can manage the whole developmental process with less supervision. As a result, they can excellently build Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

When you look for top off-shore developers – You have the freedom to hire remote web developers from different parts of the world. There are millions of off-shore developers to choose from, and you can easily hire one at reasonable compensation.

How to hire remote full-stack developers?

You need the right people around to take your business to the next level. Therefore, follow the proper steps to hire web developers. Below is the checklist to hire dedicated remote developers.

  • Define your requirements and be clear in what you want to build.
  • Conduct structured interviews to assess technical expertise.
  • Check if your hires can fit your culture.
  • Ability to work with team members.
  • Ability to deal with uncertainty.

How Zaigo Infotech help you with remote full stack developers?

Better teams develop better solutions! Unfortunately, finding top web developers is often a complicated process, and running behind every candidate will make you tired.

When Zaigo Infotech is here to assist you, why should you search anywhere else? We are a leading web application development company building scalable applications. Our hiring process is well-structured, and we have formed a word-class remote web developers team. Our full-stack developers have hands-on experience in a variety of Full Stack Technologies. So hire our full stack developers and let us develop your dream applications!

At Zaigo Infotech, we believe in quality over everything. That’s why we have many returning customers—quality and commitment towards what we do make us the best app development company.

Why wait? Connect with us today to get started with your web application project!

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