Top 5 Web Development Programming Languages

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Top 5 Web Development Programming Languages

trending web development programming languages

If you’ve decided to be a web developer, you did the right thing, congratulations! Web development is one of the booming careers, and job opportunities are increasing day by day. Unfortunately, as the demand increases, competition is also growing parallelly. To stand out of the crowd and ahead in the job market, you should be well-versed in new and trending web development programming languages. Companies should also start building web and mobile applications to serve their customers’ needs better.

This article covers the best 5 web development programming languages you should learn to excel in your web development career. Let’s dive in!

Top 5 Web Development Programming Languages

  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • HTML and CSS
  • Ruby



PHP holds the top place in the list of web development programming languages in 2021. This says it all! PHP is known as Hypertext Processor, and it is one of the popular programming languages for web development. It is an open-source scripting language widely used for web application development. It is a server-side coding language with extensions such as .NET, Apache, or Bzip2, and access to several databases, including MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and more.

Top-notch web applications such as FaceBook, WordPress, Flickr, and Drupal are built using PHP technologies. PHP is the best programming language for beginners. The best part is that PHP developers can add more functionalities using the existing pre-built packages and frameworks.


If you want to be a full-stack developer, JavaSript is the best programming language to learn. We can say it is the king of web development because it is the only coding language used for front-end and back-end development. As a web developer, you can also use it for mobile application development.

JavaScript helps you develop user-friendly and interactive products. In addition, this high-level programming language features several frameworks and libraries, including Angular, Node.js, React.js, and Vue.js. We highly recommend you to learn JavaScript as it a leading code language for creating scalable products.


After JavaScript, Python is the most loved programming language among beginners. It supports various operating systems, frameworks, tools, and libraries. This versatile coding language is well-suited for back-end development.

Python supports almost all OS, including Windows, macOS, and LINUX. Django and Flask are the commonly used frameworks in Python. In addition, Spotify and Instagram use Python for the back-end along with the Django framework.


HTML and CSS are not programming languages; they are mark-up languages that play a vital role in the look and feel of the website. HTML is necessary for structuring and organizing, whereas CSS helps you in styling the website. You should learn these languages if you want to be a front-end developer. The interesting fact is that you can master these languages in a few weeks with the help of online tutorials.

CSS is necessary for the display of web pages using colors, layout, and fonts.

HTML entirely deals with the following:

  • Publishing online documents with texts, headings, tables, photos, etc.
  • Retrieving information via hypertext links in a single click of a button.


Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Ruby on Rails is a programming language commonly known as Rails or RoR. Just like Python and PHP, Ruby on Rails is an easy coding language for newbies. RoR follows Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern. This is the architectural design that splits the working of a software application into 3 subsystems.

Model – It involves the functional part of a web application, maintaining objects and databases.

View – It deals with the presentation of data, i.e., the user interaction (UI) part.

Controller – It is an interface that connects Model and View systems handling inputs and outputs.

On the whole, Ruby on Rails is a full-stack framework used for developing popular websites
such as Github, Shopify, Airbnb, and GoodReads.

How Does Zaigo Infotech Help in Web Development?

Zaigo Infotech is a leading web development company in India, supporting multiple clients around the globe. We have well-experienced techies trained in top programming languages such as PHP, JavaScipt, HTML & CSS, Python, and Ruby on Rails.

We are committed to quality at any cost! Tell us your web development requirements, and we are here to take up challenges for you. Hire our web developers today for all your web application development.

Reach us today to get started with your web app development!

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